
Dating Filipina's - Wadja 6 March 2017 - comments and thoughts?

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Lotus Eater


06 March 2017 16:58:19

As per what I ve seen in the Philippines, Filipinas are 5 categories:

1- Ugly, chubby, dark skin, that no one would like to date, mainly poor and from far areas. Even in their own countries they are not wanted or respected by men, they are the typical image of a maid. they are so easy to date, from any race, but no one is doing.

2- Acceptable beauty, but desperate, usually single mothers, or similar. they are so easy to date, all their concerns is to sponsor their kids, they will play love, they will follow you, accept you who ever you are if you accept their kids and sponsor them. Usually, they are not looking for your cash, but they will get your money little by little, especially if you marry them, so you have to pay schools, food, hospitalisation etc.. for all the family members. They are ready to live with any one who will ask for that since they have no choice. They are the typical "left over of the filipinos" who abused them, made them pregnant, then run away. Even the filipinos males are not interested to sponsor kids of other men, so how a foreigner will take care of kids having the face of their real father??

3- Beautiful and young, but with no education or from poor entourage, usually for sale or for bidding for who ever pays more, you can find them in all foreigners areas, but be careful, they are expensive, and they are just looking for cash on hand. Do not expect if you see an old 60's foreigner sitting in Greenbelt area with a a 20's teenage that they are in love. As long as you have money, you will get love, if you will marry one of them, you have to be ready to sponsor all her friends, cousins, siblings, parents, also to provide visas for all those who wanna travel to your country.

4- Young, beautiful, with education, and especially with career. they are usually the employed, who may have car or house, or from good families, they are not interested to date a foreigner, because they have what they want, so it is hard for them to relocate, or to leave their friends, families, language, food...

5- Few remaining who are with acceptable beauty, not single mothers, with education and/ or job, in acceptable age and who may be looking for real love overseas, only lucky one may find a real pearl like that

Over all, all these categories may be suitable to any expat planning to date a filipina, depending on your ethnicity, age, passport origin, financial status, and martial status.

Do not forget, dating a filipina is easier than dating any other nationality, since there is no competition from filipino males, because they are at 30% gays, 30% short, or no financial ressources, or no good behavior to get to start a love story
the remaining 40% are at half womanizers, and the other half good but already taken.


Hell of an observation. Nailed it!  How many years it take you to come up with that conclusion my friend???  You haven’t considered that beauty is only skin deep though. Kinda shallow don’t you think?


There are of course those in groups 2 and 3 who flat out lie to foreign men who meet them on dating sites pretending they have no kids or boyfriend/husband and want to be thought of in group 5.


Why do you guys live here, if that's what you believe!  I've been here a total of 3 years and I've seen lonely people who just want someone to be with.  Of course you have gold diggers..aren't they everywhere?  My wife is 30 years younger than I am and she doesn't request of me that I help her family much..I usually offer because, why not..they are extremely poor compared to me.  It would never get out of hand, because I won't let it.  I've posted before on this site "stupid is as stupid does".  I don't care what country you live in, if you are an older man and you have money and like younger will most likely encounter a gold digger!  I'm not talking about a women who wants to help her child or family eat, or get medical treatment.  I'm talking about a women who wants a 3 or 4 carat diamond ring and a Mercedes!  In short, if you are an "OLD" dude, foreigner or not and have a pretty young thing on your arm it's gonna cost you.  Also, since you "OLD" foreigner's are so philosophical...what is love?  Really, what is it?


Filipinos will enjoy your stereotyping I'm sure. 

Why do you guys live here, if that's what you believe! I've been here a total of 3 years and I've seen lonely people who just want someone to be with. Of course you have gold diggers..aren't they everywhere? My wife is 30 years younger than I am and she doesn't request of me that I help her family much..I usually offer because, why not..they are extremely poor compared to me. It would never get out of hand, because I won't let it. I've posted before on this site "stupid is as stupid does". I don't care what country you live in, if you are an older man and you have money and like younger will most likely encounter a gold digger! I'm not talking about a women who wants to help her child or family eat, or get medical treatment. I'm talking about a women who wants a 3 or 4 carat diamond ring and a Mercedes! In short, if you are an "OLD" dude, foreigner or not and have a pretty young thing on your arm it's gonna cost you. Also, since you "OLD" foreigner's are so philosophical...what is love? Really, what is it?

I must admit that I do not totally believe it either. I do not live in the Philippines but have visited on five occasions to see 4 different women and obviously each of the 4 relationships failed. My reply was just based on my own experience but I do know there are good and bad everywhere, just a matter of finding the right one and so far I have failed. I don't mind helping out a bit when I am there, just not when I return home and I sort of combine travel with the relationship, trying to stop over somewhere on the way there or back.

What is love - Throw a penny in the well and wish for it - I guess that is the only way to really know as it means different things to different people.


As Forrest Gump put it "I may not be a smart man but I know what love is".  We kinda know love when we feel it. It's a bit irrational but beautiful "IMO".  Finding the right Filipina is a personal preference process. Honesty, intelligence, looks and chemistry, more or less in that order, matter most to me. Peace.


As many others put it "I may not be smart but I can lift heavy things".

Back to the OP's post? Finding a partner is an individual thing and is based on needs and wanted both ways, you know 2 way street, we are always cautious as opposed to a one way street.

We all make mistakes and hopefully learn from them. As I and many say that beauty is in the eye of the beholder but as we all know fools rush in where angels fear to tread. Lust should never be confused with love and commitment, like many I have been there.


Cheers, Steve.



4- Young, beautiful, with education, and especially with career. they are usually the employed, who may have car or house, or from good families, they are not interested to date a foreigner, because they have what they want, so it is hard for them to relocate, or to leave their friends, families, language, food..."

My Ex definitely fit into the criteria of this category.  great job. very well educated. great family and values.

however,  by the age of 26, she just about had enough of Filipino guys.  most likely couldn't imagine ever dating a Filipino guy ever again.

before she met me, she dated one other foreign guy, and they were serious for about 3 years before they broke up and when she and I finally met.

i find your generalizations of categorizing the other type of woman amusing and mostly on point, even though you're grossly stereotyping. is this the result of assessing the quality of your own love life equating to being pretty abysmal?


Who's generalizations? We all generalize. Bit like buying a car? Love it at first but most times find the idiosyncrasies then hate it, trade it in some time later and try a different model. Material things or a love life can be over powering for the fickle. Know and make choices correctly.


Cheers, Steve.

Enzyte Bob

whackerdog123 said . . . .

Of course you have gold diggers..aren't they everywhere?


There's no digger like a Filipina digger except in maybe Thailand. These Filipina diggers end up with a Fools Gold.  When the mine runs out it's off to the next goldfield.


How many trophy wives have you seen in the West? The beautiful blond with the rich athlete/celebrity. The massive power imbalance between 1st and 3rd world creates these kinds of dynamics.



i find your generalizations of categorizing the other type of woman amusing and mostly on point, even though you're grossly stereotyping. is this the result of assessing the quality of your own love life equating to being pretty abysmal?


To me, this categorization looks like shallow but alas, it is 90% on point as you say. i also want to say that stereotypes exist for a reason, as they are not taken from fresh air but mostly through assessment of big numbers. and just to say that the number of gold (even silver or bronze) diggers is directly proportional to the poverty and misery of the population. While those two elements are main factors, the greed as general human characteristic is also important driver.  Within last 35 years i have lived in many places and the fact is, (i agree with Enzyte Bob), filipinas, when it comes to gold/silver/bronze digging, are the worst in spite of having many other virtues.

Enzyte Bob

Expat or Sexpat . . . have you had your Viagra today?

How many trophy wives have you seen in the West? The beautiful blond with the rich athlete/celebrity. The massive power imbalance between 1st and 3rd world creates these kinds of dynamics.

Trophy wives.

You're talking about a Victoria's Secret model?


I know Victoria's secret

And, girl, you wouldn't believe

She's an old man who lives in Ohio


Song by Jax

Expat or Sexpat . . . have you had your Viagra today?
-@Enzyte Bob

No...take Enzyte (just $14,99 for 1 month's supply)

Tell them Smiling Bob sent you 😂

Expat or Sexpat . . . have you had your Viagra today?
-@Enzyte Bob
No...take Enzyte (just $14,99 for 1 month's supply)
Tell them Smiling Bob sent you 😂

Yeh and Bob might have a coupon from the Casino for cheap Viagra


@danfinn lol tongue in cheek I presume? That Enzyte scam is long gone I thought

Enzyte Bob

@danfinn lol tongue in cheek I presume? That Enzyte scam is long gone I thought -@FilamretireBluechew

@danfinn lol tongue in cheek I presume? That Enzyte scam is long gone I thought

Not long gone. Click on the link in my comment. But of course, tongue in cheek 😂


@whackerdog123 my woman is 20 years younger than I and doesn’t ask for anything except for household items and my step daughter only ask for 20 bucks a week for school lunch. Very cheap considering the prices in other countries at the moment. As for the Filipino family, I only help when it is dire necessity. I just tell them, what did you do before I came into the picture. Granted we do a lot of traveling in the Philippines exploring new places that they could have never done in a lifetime, but as far as getting stupid luxuries that don’t matter, not gonna happen people!! Oh yeah one more thing!  What is there infatuation with these huge expensive weddings that they can’t afford, crazy!! I thought the brides family supposed to pay for that and give a Dowary of money or property to the groom for them to start there new family. They only resort to tradition when it Benefits them otherwise you’re SOL

Enzyte Bob
@danfinn lol tongue in cheek I presume? That Enzyte scam is long gone I thought -@FilamretireBluechew
-@Enzyte Bob


@Lotus Eater Absolutely 100% correct!

Enzyte Bob

I saw on Youtube a fellow who was admittedly morbidly obese who didn't need a mask for Halloween and was a senior citizen. He place his details on Filipina Cupid or a similar website.

Within Hours he had 200 responses from young women and even some telling him he was handsome.

I saw on Youtube a fellow who was admittedly morbidly obese who didn't need a mask for Halloween and was a senior citizen. He place his details on Filipina Cupid or a similar website. Within Hours he had 200 responses from young women and even some telling him he was handsome. -@Enzyte Bob


Easy, Bob ..

Write that you are a Southern U.S. Catholic millionaire.

You're seeking many in-laws and wanting eight children.

Then, standby for the instant meltdown of your webpage.



@Lotus Eater

I am an American man married for almost 18 years to a Filipina lady who came from a poor city family.  She doesn’t even have a college degree. This past year she made 85k USD and got her dual citizenship. She made the same amount I did and I have a college degree. She is pretty, loyal and hard working. We have one child together. We are buying a beach front home in the Cebu area and will retire next year.  Your comments in generalizing all Filipinos into certain categories are simply put misleading and insulting.  While some Filipinos fit into your categories many do not and it is frankly an insult to say that all do.  You sound like a bitter male who had a bad encounter and are now trying to dissuade other men from coming to the PI. 

To the newbies here disregard some of what you see and hear and draw your own conclusions. Come to the PI meet women and judge them

by they’re individual character and personality not some category that they are supposed to fit in. 



Spot on!


@Enzyte Bob True... There are MANY desperate women, and also many "professionals" that don't care about looks... only $$$$... You know anyone can get on Filipina cupid and get 200 reaponses... Its up to you to weed through the garbage to find the diamond 💎... Like I did 3 years ago... 👍🏻

@Enzyte Bob True... There are MANY desperate women, and also many "professionals" that don't care about looks... only $$$$... You know anyone can get on Filipina cupid and get 200 reaponses... Its up to you to weed through the garbage to find the diamond 💎... Like I did 3 years ago... 👍🏻

My question is - How many hours do you think you had to put in to find your diamond.  I tried experimenting on a dating site and found the amount of time needed was just too much. Sure it is easy to weed out a lot of the garbage quickly but with new requests and interests coming in all the time, I find it too time consuming.


@whackerdog123 totally agree with you. There are lots of lovely pinays who will give you all their love and ask little in return except your love back.

I can only think that those who cannot fond them must be spending their time in the bars or are nit very nice to women.


@Enzyte Bob very true.  I'm divorced from a filipina I brought to usa and she in the end took half of all I worked for all my life.  I loved her and thought she did me... married 8 years thought we had a  great marriage then shockingly she walked out and I began to realize I'd been scammed.  She did not sign divorce papers until 1 day after exactly 10 years so she could get my social security...I always wondered why she daily watched all these legal shows on TV till I got home and i found out why.  It's a scam that legally needs to be  stopped and yes I was stupid for letting her do it to me I learned an invaluable lesson and if you research on web this is a pretty big problem.  I feel sorry for those guys who buy home in Philippines for a wife to leave and come back to nothing no wife no house she sold and ran that's another big scam they pull

Lotus Eater
@Lotus Eater
I am an American man married for almost 18 years to a Filipina lady who came from a poor city family. She doesn’t even have a college degree. This past year she made 85k USD and got her dual citizenship. She made the same amount I did and I have a college degree. She is pretty, loyal and hard working. We have one child together. We are buying a beach front home in the Cebu area and will retire next year. Your comments in generalizing all Filipinos into certain categories are simply put misleading and insulting. While some Filipinos fit into your categories many do not and it is frankly an insult to say that all do. You sound like a bitter male who had a bad encounter and are now trying to dissuade other men from coming to the PI.

To the newbies here disregard some of what you see and hear and draw your own conclusions. Come to the PI meet women and judge them
by they’re individual character and personality not some category that they are supposed to fit in.

For the record Morgacj this was a repost from a French national in 2017. I made it clear at the top. I knew many members would find it controversial but I stand by the gist of what the OP was trying to say. Don't take it personally.

Have you ever returned a faulty item to a shop and the guy behind the counter says ' never had a problem with this before' ? The guy behind you in the queue says 'neither have I.' Look in the mirror.

Maybe you and Carpediem should meet up for a beer.



My white ex wife started the divorce proceedings I'm November of 1995. It took about 3-1/2 years to get divorced.  Signed papers February 1998.

Eight years together until she began the divorce case, since it was past the ten year mark. The judge said the clock stopped when the divorce case began.

I was very lucky she was not able to get my pension or social security!



Knock on wood that I don’t need blue chew yet!

I looked at the link.   

Where is BlueChew available?

BlueChew is available in most of the United States. However, it is not available in United States territories, internationally, or in the following states: North Dakota and South Carolina.

Looks like I would have to order it here I'm the USA first before traveling to the  Philippines.


Enzyte Bob

My experience with Filipinas & Thai women while living in Las Vegas. They were immigrants to the US and became Americanized.

(1) Imelda (Filipina), a dealer at a low roller casino, friendly, smiling, not a number 9+ but rather a number 5. One of my friends said she was interested in me. I was not interested so I told my friend to pass it on that I'm a sex fiend thinking that would discourage her, her reply so was she. I just left the situation pass.

(2) Suzy (Thai), also a dealer at the same casino, a #8, she was married to an American (twice) that brought her to the states. She divorced him and received a settlement, then some time later remarried him. We dated with benefits but both of us were not interested in an relationship. She could not read or write English and one time gave me a briefcase full of legal papers her husband had, wanting to know what they were. She was addicted to gambling and I realized her interest and my benefits coincided with me funding her gambling. Her addiction resembled a drug addict seeking money. Several years later a ran into her with new her boyfriend and I was thing this guy musts be following down the same path that I did.

(3) Rose (Filipina) a #6+, I met her at the blackjack table and we went out to dinner, she said she was married, one time when I saw her in the casino she came up to me and said the Filipino she was sitting next to was her husband (he turned out to be a boyfriend) and actually she did have a husband but not him. An interesting side note, one time at a blackjack table he sat down next to me, I was thinking he would go nuts if he knew what was going on between Rose and me.

(4) A friend of Roses who was looking for a husband now, immediately to legally to stay in the US. I don't know what Rose told her, but she was under the impression I would marry her. She was very attractive, educated, spoke good English and had a PHD degree. That same day I dropped her off at the Greyhound bus station for a trip to LA.

(5) Vilma (Filipina) in her mid 50's a friend of my wife. Vilma was originally from the provinces and gyrated near one of the US bases to seek an American husband, that was her goal and dream, as she told me. (I viewed some pictures of her on FB when she was young, shapely & beautiful). Sometime in the past (Las Vegas) she had an affair with her boss and became pregnant and had a son. Her American husband begged her not to leave and she stayed. I met the husband a nice fellow, I could see he was in bad shape, not much time later he was in a nursing home and later passed away. Now Vilma was nice person but had a gambling habit that controlled her life. Her husband was receiving $6,000 a month in benefits and she was always broke and borrowing money. She received $50,000 in life insurance which she took in a lump sum. In several weeks she gambled all of it away. She won a new Toyota Camry in a casino drawing, never drove it and sold it for $18,000 which she gambled away. The last I've heard of her, her own car was repossessed and was evicted from her rental home.

(6) Princess Anne Louise (Filipina, 26 years old a 8+) she was a niece of my wife, fresh off the plane in America. She had a boyfriend and newborn in the Philippines. She had a number of jobs until she landed one in the Players Club in a casino. She lived with us for a year and half. She moved out and moved in with one of the Pit bosses in the casino she worked at.

(7) Jackie (Filipina mid 40's a 7) Jackie really takes the cake on this one. My wife met her while working through an agency. They both had private duty at a rich older couples house, they had 24/7 assisted living in their home for many years. The husband was a retired high ranking military officer who owned several Taco bells in Florida. Their house was in a wealthy neighborhood of retired people, with many Filipina's working in home care. Matter of fact they sort of had a clique among themselves, often playing Mahjong or Filipno Poker. This became my wife's circle of friends. Jackie worked 8 pm to 8 am. Often when the couple was sleeping she would sneak out for hours and gamble in the casino. It was know that Jackie was married, but I don't know much about him. She also had a rich patient who had Alzheimers, I met him and he told me the same joke three times during dinner. He was a nice fellow who could lose several thousand dollars at a time in the casino and not think much of it. One time he took a bunch out to an expensive restaurant, I couldn't make it, he ordered a takeout steak dinner for me.

Jackie end up marring this guy, although she was already married. Another time we were at an Thanksgiving dinner at another guys house who she was engaged to. She ended up selling her new husbands house, putting her name on his bank account and both of them moved to the Philippines where he passed away.

(8) My wife who I met her while she was 51, she was introduced to me by Rose who I previous mentioned before, we've been married for 16 years, 11 years before moving to the Philippines. I have three adult stepsons who treat me so well, like a real Dad. I don't know what I would do without them. I should mention my wife owned a house in the Philippines when I met her and somtimes she earned more money than me.

Now concerning my prior single life, I was single for 25 years before getting married again. I had several relationships before, never looking for a relationship. When moving to Las Vegas I had no plans on seeking a relationship. Looking into my rear view mirror, it seemed the Asian women who I previous mentioned all showed interest in me first.

It was nothing I seeked out.

Enzyte Bob
Roy1228 said . . . . There are lots of lovely pinays who will give you all their love and ask little in return except your love back.
I can only think that those who cannot fond them must be spending their time in the bars or are nit very nice to women.


Living in Las Vegas. . . the third largest community was Filipino's. There was a Church in our community (one of the better communities), it seemed was 95% Filipino.

I imagine someone could meet someone nice, one who is not seeking some sort of financial gain. A meaningful relationship could develop on mutual grounds. Other than Sundays the Church had many activities for prospects of meeting someone.


@Lotus Eater doesn’t matter that it was or wasnt a repost it is still derogatory, disrespectful and misleading. Not accurate in the least. I know dozens of successful FilAm marriages and only a few failures.

Enzyte Bob

FWIW . . . . Since this is a thread.

(1) Successes are more likely to be posted, sometimes overboard for various reasons.

(2) Failures are likely to be unposted, for obvious reasons.

(3) Failures don't lead to successes.

(4) Successes now can be future failures given time.

Replies already posted can be amusing reads.

Lotus Eater
@Lotus Eater doesn’t matter that it was or wasnt a repost it is still derogatory, disrespectful and misleading. Not accurate in the least. I know dozens of successful FilAm marriages and only a few failures.

I hope you don't suffer from high blood pressure Morgac. Take a sedative. You'll be fine in the morning.


@Lotus Eater you’re hopeless!

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