F card application / job offer letter as a supporting document

Hi all,

I'm a last year master's student and have an A card. I got married recently and applied for an F card a couple of weeks ago. Meanwhile, I got a job offer, which I'm expected to start as soon as I graduate. They offered me also to handle my working permit, but my F card is already in the process. I provided 6 months' salary proof of my husband which is just around 120% minimum net salary ( some months less, some months more than it). We also own a house in Belgium. And I also have a guarantor (annexe32) until I graduate. My question is, would it be logical if I provide the annexe32 document and also a letter from my future employee that they're going to hire me after my graduation to show that I'm not planning to cost a penny to the government? Or would it be useless? I really appreciate any help you can provide. -Nergiz

@NergizD Hello. I think if your A card is still valid for another 6 months and your F card application is strong enough, then just wait for your F card. Then you do not need any administrative work for work permit etc. Its much better but remember F card is conditional for first 5 years.

@NergizD I would suggest do not mix annexe 32 with your F card. Its useless because F card is all about your spouse's salary.