Changing to local Employer from Indian Employer

Dear All,

Currently i am working in Belgium through indian employer. I am likely to get an offer from local employer now. But according to my current deputation letter, i cant resign from onsite hence i need to serve six months in india post onsite. I am confused how can i come over this.

Is the belgian labour law applicable to me hence i am a resident of belgium and working in belgium? in that case can i approach lawers or trade unions(Not part of any union yet) to get legally resigned from my current job without any issues?

any clarity on what should i do once i receive the offer?

Or any other ways or similar experiences anybody has?

Looking forward to all of your valuable suggestions.

thank you very much in advance,

It depends on the contract/deputation  you signed with employer .

usually after 1 year, you can resign and employer don't complain. In contract it's usually 1 year written in some employers.

further, you asked same question on FB group as well, there are good answers recieved. Follow those to clear your confusion.

if you still confused then wait and try later for switch  then

Thank you for the reply. In Facebook the question was about the suggestions to tackle the situation. But here the question is about how the law and labour union could help in this situation and how can I take it forward with the law.

Also it's not that everyone here in this forum will be using Facebook or everyone in this group would have seen my post. Just wanted to get different opinions and suggestions or similar experiences from people so that is the reason I posted it here.

@MurS Did you changed your Job ? I am also looking for similar ans