
Where is there a place to get US taxes filed in Iloilo City.

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Need to get my taxes filed. I need someone familiar with current tax laws dealing with non resident spouses.

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I’m trying AIT Tax Advisers this year. They are helping me file taxes and get my wife’s ITIN by filing the W7.


@jasoncross6 If non-resident spouse does not have a SSA number or TIN, she cannot be a part if married filing jointly. So, you need to find a way for that to happen.


@ronneygmccormick I just used irs freefile because of my having a simple return this year. Refuned deposited in 1-1/2 weeks! But the 1040 instructions should define how a spouse could be included in married filing jointly.

Enzyte Bob

@jasoncross6 If non-resident spouse does not have a SSA number or TIN, she cannot be a part if married filing jointly. So, you need to find a way for that to happen.

You can file married jointly but you cannot use her as an deduction. On the tax return where it asks for her SS number, leave it blank.


@jasoncross6 Are they located in Iloilo City?


@Enzyte Bob Do you still get the same reduced tax rate as married filing jointly? I never claimed my wife as a tax deduction, only indicated if she was over 65 and blind.

Enzyte Bob

@Enzyte Bob Do you still get the same reduced tax rate as married filing jointly? I never claimed my wife as a tax deduction, only indicated if she was over 65 and blind.


Yes you still get the reduce tax rate, but again do not use her as a deduction. All bets are off if she has reported income on your tax return.


@Enzyte Bob Do you still get the same reduced tax rate as married filing jointly? I never claimed my wife as a tax deduction, only indicated if she was over 65 and blind.
Yes you still get the reduce tax rate, but again do not use her as a deduction. All bets are off if she has reported income on your tax return.
-@Enzyte Bob

Thanks for the info Bob. Spousal and self exemptions were eliminated after 2017 and of course a spouse cannot be called a dependent, at least when when filing jointly and I am not sure if filing separately but I doubt it. As for deductions, we just claim the standard deduction for married couples filing jointly over age 65. I think you may be saying that an alien wife with no SSA number cannot be included in the standard deduction table. One would have take the standard deduction for single at 65.  I am referring to the 2022 1040 form. In my case the asawa is a citizen with SSA number over 65 so it is not an issue for us but I am always curious about these rules imposed by our ingenious IRS.

Enzyte Bob

@Enzyte Bob Do you still get the same reduced tax rate as married filing jointly? I never claimed my wife as a tax deduction, only indicated if she was over 65 and blind.
Yes you still get the reduce tax rate, but again do not use her as a deduction. All bets are off if she has reported income on your tax return.
-@Enzyte Bob
Thanks for the info Bob. Spousal and self exemptions were eliminated after 2017 and of course a spouse cannot be called a dependent, at least when when filing jointly and I am not sure if filing separately but I doubt it. As for deductions, we just claim the standard deduction for married couples filing jointly over age 65. I think you may be saying that an alien wife with no SSA number cannot be included in the standard deduction table. One would have take the standard deduction for single at 65. I am referring to the 2022 1040 form. In my case the asawa is a citizen with SSA number over 65 so it is not an issue for us but I am always curious about these rules imposed by our ingenious IRS.

I'll have to pull my last tax return filed (several years ago) to see what I actual did on my filings.


Best way is get her a itin, then good to go,

not to difficult to get itin from here, you will just send all required hard copies to irs along with your married/Joint tax forms, and after they process the itin they will process the Married Jointly tax forms


At that time we just used turbo tax and printed hard copies instead of Efile, then attached all the itin docs and sent them away with her passport, they sent her passport back after all the processing

Enzyte Bob

At that time we just used turbo tax and printed hard copies instead of Efile, then attached all the itin docs and sent them away with her passport, they sent her passport back after all the processing


(1) Where did you send them from? States or Philippines?

(2) Where did you send them to? States or Philippines Embassy?

(3) Did you use Us Post Office or Philpost? or a company like FedEx?

(4) Did you prepay postage for return of passport?

(5) What method did the IRS return the passport by?


On the Itin application it has the address to send application attached to that years tax forms.

We then went to the Aura mall and found a fedex or similar and sent with tracking/confirmation etc since Passport is inside, to the states....a little expensive but worth it to be able to file Married/ far as the return of passport I don’t really remember if I prepaid or if IRS did but all the instructions are on the form. I might have sent another self addressed envelope inside the one I sent them, just can’t remember now.

I Remember being concerned that it would get lost etc but all went well and it was safely returned....

CLARIFICATION: My wife just reminded me that I had IRS Send her passport to my sister/relative in the states then she Fedexed back to us. That address was the same that they had on file for my returns at the time

FYI, The itin number will be in the name that is on the passport so make sure she has changed it to her married name, otherwise you will have to use her maiden name when you file taxes if it has not been updated


Also, I did call the department that processes the itin  from here a few times for some clarification, I think the number may be on the form...I used Skype with a US account and PH number, that way it appears you are calling from the states instead of here and only costs a few Cents


I filed our US taxes last week using TurboTax + e-file. Super simple since we had no US income other than SSA, and no income in the Philippines. Next year I probably won't bother filing. Since my wife (dual citizen) isn't working and has no plans to work here she has not bothered to apply for an ITIN. She should probably get a national ID at some point :-)


Hi ronneygmccormick. I just did my first expat taxes with Expat H&R Block. It worked out nicely. My only con is technical (Authentication, password reset, technical support, yada, yada, yada!), not the CPA themselves. They were pretty good. I got the state of NY and NJ out of my pockets for double dipping on my taxes, and for a little extra money, I got the Expat H&R Block IRS audit support plan (Expect the state of NJ to audit me to confirm I no longer live in their tax state.)  Anyway, so far so good. :)

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