Moving from Bahrain to Saudi Arabia

Hi community members,

Hope you are all doing well.

I just have a couple of questions that I wanted to ask. I am sure a lot of you have gone through this process.

I have decided to join an organization in Saudi Arabia and move there from Bahrain (currently employed in Bahrain). I understand all the process and currently my degree verification by Saudi Culture Mission and Saudi Embassy in my home country is in progress (expected to be done in next few days). Rest of the requirements for KSA work visa process are clear (for expats applying from Bahrain) and I have arranged all the documents already, including the Police certificate. There is another requirement of NOC from my current employer, which I will request them to issue once I put in formal resignation.

My first question is about the medical screening. I read in one of the posts that Ibn Nafees in Bahrain is a good option as they give a very detailed report along with X-ray film. My question is if I can do it right away to save time? Or do they need documents like contract / documents from my new employer in KSA or an invitation for KSA visa etc. ? Also, do they accept walk-ins or do I have to book an appointment?

My second question is about KSA visa for dependents. I understand that first I need to get the visa, enter KSA on that visa, do some formalities there (like Iqama, Absher account etc.) and then I can apply for family (spouse and kids). They will also be applying from Bahrain. Just wanted to check how long is the process for family visa in KSA, after I enter the Kingdom on my new work visa? The reason I am asking is because once I resign from my current employer in Bahrain, and get my notice period served or waived off, they will cancel the Bahrain visa and we will have 1 month of grace period to exit the country. Just want to save a trip and get everything for everyone processed from Bahrain. Much convenient.

Appreciate your responses. Thank you!

It's not about medical quality but about which hospital is on the Saudi embassy panel.  And that has been Ibn nafees for a long time.  You can walk in and do the test without any documents. You just need passport and cpr.  But the result is valid only for a certain period of time.

For the dependant visa, it is difficult to say as it depends on your employers efficiency. Could be a few weeks up to a month or so.

Thank you for your response. I guess I will go to Ibn Nafees in a couple of days to get the tests done, assuming the tests have at least a month's validity (will check with them). I am expecting my degree verification to be done within a week. Rest of the process (fingerprinting, visa stamping) should not take long, and hopefully the medical test results are valid by that time.

Hi XTang,

Just a couple of queries if you can kindly answer.

I did my medical test from Ibn Nafees, got the results and applied for KSA work visa at VFS (now called Tasheer) yesterday. Hopefully will get back my passport in next few days and I plan to travel to KSA immediately afterwards.

My family is also residing in Bahrain. I will be doing their medical tests proactively in next day or so. Just checked from Ibn Nafees. Same tests are required for all ages (spouse and 2 kids, 5yo and 1.3yo).

Once I land in Riyadh, I will immediately go to the designated medical center for medical (can I do that? Any specific requirement for that?).

Once the results are out, I will ask my employer to get me the Iqama at the earliest (how long does it take usually after medical test results are issued?)

After my Iqama is issued, I will ask my employer to get the visa numbers issued for my family members, from MOFA (I guess that's the process?)

Alongside, I will also ask my employer to issue/approve my exit/re-entry visa, so that I can come back to Bahrain and apply for KSA visa for my dependents. All their documents are ready, I just need my Iqama issued in KSA (once I land there and do the medical) and visa numbers issued by MOFA through my employer.

Please let me know if my understanding of the process is correct. Thanks!

Well, first of all, nothing in Saudi works like you would expect it to.

You might not go immediately for medical in Saudi. For the Iqama to be issued, it is not just medical results but your employer also has to issue health insurance policy for you and upload to CCHI portal. Immigration gets your medical result and the policy and then the Iqama is issued. At times, CCHI is a bottle neck e.g. for me, the medical was done the day after but it took two weeks for the policy to be reflected in immigration via Iqama could not be issued.   Saudi is different to Bahrain i.e. mandatory health insurance needs to be in place for Iqama issuance or renewal. And that is not a simple case of policy issuance by company. This policy must comply with the guidelines of CCHI (the Saudi government body looking at it). So you submit it to CCHI, they review and approve it and THEN it reflects in immigration system.

And then there is another delay sometimes, depending on company, which relates to payment for Iqama and work permit. These payments need to be made to your account at MOI and sometimes companies keep a balance and other times, not.  Some companies process payments slowly.  Also, to clarify the process a bit; first your work permit will be issued through MOHRE (it is not the visa you came in on). After the work permit, the Iqama follows with the requirements as mentioned above.  So there are two steps with two separate payments to different bodies and through different systems.

So ask your employer to guide you re: medical and the rest.

Mentally, be ready for the Iqama process to take anywhere from 1 to 2 weeks and that is IF your employer is efficient.  And also, remember that it is all happening during Ramadan.

Exit re-entry can only be issued once Iqama is done.  Same for family visas. 

Hi Sam,

Just to add to what XTang has said :

Why don't you try for the possibility of getting multiple entry tourist visa for family. I think it costs only 47 BD per head and you will get it immediately. The maximum stay is 90 days in one shot  and by that time may be your employer can process the spouse visas.

Just thinking about it as an option..



Thanks guys.

Quick question. Any recommended medical center / hospital in Riyadh to do the medical test for new Iqama? One which is convenient and efficient?

Any that is linked to moi systems for iqama medical is fine really.  Again defer to your employer for this. Some place near your office and place of residence.

Hi XTang,

One question, but before that a quick update on my situation.

So I travelled to Riyadh on my new work visa last Wednesday, got a SIM at Riyadh airport, went directly to a medical clinic and got my tests done. The results were updated in Efada system by next day. Same day my company was able to issue the insurance and it was showing in CCHI portal.

Today I got my Iqama issued and able to see the digital image on Tawakkalna Services app and Absher as well. I also created my Absher account and validated it through the Absher kiosk in a mall.

All done in 4 working days Alhamdulillah. Now I want to travel to Bahrain on Thursday and I have requested my employer to issue me a 3-months multiple exit/re-entry visa. Hopefully it will be done in a day or so. My Bahrain RP is still valid and family is there.

My question is, whether I need anything else to exit KSA (via causeway) other than the exit/re-entry visa, or that's just it? Along with the passport, of course.

I don't have my physical Iqama card yet, just the digital copy.

Appreciate if you can answer. Thanks!

Only ERE and passport.  I don't show them the Iqama anyway when I exit or enter Saudi.  If they ask, show them the digital one.

Perfect. Thanks a lot.

Hi guys, can you please suggest a reliable moving company from Bahrain to KSA?

Most of online search return results that are single person companies offering moving services. Not very comfortable using those.

it's mostly household stuff. Around 20 boxes of 2.5 cubic feet each (IKEA moving boxes), a couple of TVs (65” and 42”), one kids bed (disassembled), one kids wardrobe (disassembled), one shoe rack (disassembled) and that's it. No other furniture.

Appreciate if you can recommend one. Thank you!