
GPS map for DR


I'm looking for a DR street map for my Garmin Nuvi device.  Garmin has a map for Central America, but I don't think that's what I'm looking for... it appears to be a marine map, not a street map.

Any suggestions for the best place online buy and download a street map? 

I understand many people may use the GPS on their phone.  I prefer not to do that and will only resort to that if there are no other options.

Thank you!

See also

Driving in the Dominican RepublicDrivers licenseUS airlines and checked luggageBUYING A VEHICLE IN DRWhat is the motorcycle culture in the DR ?

I understand you wanting to use your device but the most important map is one that is maintained and updated.  Google your best bet.  As a GIS professional, that is what I suggest.  You may have another need besides directions, so if that's the case, up to date information may not be important to you...


Maybe … ublic-map/


Thank you for the responses.  Fred, I saw the map you mentioned in my searches but wasn't sure if anyone else had used that particular one and how good it was.


Hi Sandy.  That is exactly the issue with buying maps.  They are static.  Sometimes they give you updates for a short time but usually that is worthless and you have to buy it again.  Also you may not benefit from traffic updates or road closures etc.  Just to make you aware if you are not already.




    I usually use “ Waze “when driving from city to city …. Works pretty good ….. always made it home again…..🤣


@Tippj We were driving from LT to Cabrera and Waze took us onto dirt roads through Nagua to save a minute or two! Luckily, our 4Runner could handle the very rough roads, but I've learned to ignore some of it's suggested "short cuts" around here.


I have had issues on directions with google maps and waze but seem to be best alternatives.


🤣… yes sometimes when it tells to make a turn in the country side , I zoom out and look at the Route … make sure it not a desolate road w/nothing else around ….  I found with google I would lose the signal every now and then….. flip a coin when it comes to devices here….👍


LOL, Maybe a year ago I went to Monkey Jungle and Google gave me short cut directions.  I took me down a desolate road,  I needed an ATV, Jeep, some major vehicle.  It was terrible.  My kids and I were praying.  We were not sure we would live to tell the story. What was supposedly 30 minutes was 1.5 hours.  I will now zoom out and look at routes I am not familiar with OR that the road starts to look sketchy (not meant for cars).  That Monkey Jungle road did not look like it was meant for anything actually and there was no way to back out of it once you realize it was going to be rough terrain.  I LOL now, I was praying hard then.


My wife and her family have been using Waze for years...

Here is the link … 9286cf3e71


I’ve come to realize here if you’re on a nice paved road … ( any decent road ) and Waze or google wants to save you 5 - 10 minutes …..Don’t Go 😳 , stay on course , don’t deviate… I’ll be home 10 minutes later , we’re supposed to b laid back here … No Rush


Hahahaha no rush.  That's too funny. I always say everyone is in a big hurry to go nowhere and do nothing!