NIFOnline screwed up my NIF form …

NIFOnline got my address wrong on the official document they sent me with my NIF number. Like, totally wrong; they had my address from my application and from the copy of my drivers license, and still they thought my city was part of my street address, and my state somewhere else entirely.

I've asked them to fix and resend, obviously.

If they've already sent it on somewhere else to a different entity in the process (D7 for me), will that entity now have the wrong address?

Has anyone else h ad NIFOnline screw up like this?

NifOnline is one of the ways used by non-residents to request a NIF, being outside Portugal.

If NifOnline has already updated your address and forwarded a new letter to you, the worst that can happen is that your first letter has gone elsewhere with the information about your NIF. But that information alone is worthless, because the application for a D7 visa, which is submitted by you, requires more documents. NifOnline only dealt with one mandatory requirement for a visa, nothing more than that...