Relocation to mojacar area

Hi everyone ☺️

I'm new to this, and would appreciate any information that you could give , regarding what might entail my moving to spain. I am very Interested in mojacar area. I am planning a trip out soon to view a few properties. I will be retiring to spain, due to health issues I must be mindful , that I need amenities close by especially as I don't drive. Could anyone give me information what I need to know regarding health care, prescriptions etc. Or anything I need to know and take into consideration. Thankyou 😊. Much appreciate any advice.


Hi Carolean..

You have taken the right choice.. Spain is a beautiful country with its nice people and weather..Also the food there is delicious...

You will find many people there speak English..I'll be glad if we correspond..Tell me how's your plan proceeds..

Good luck and have fun.1f917.svg


Hi Faida .

Thankyou. I will keep you updated , I need to find out as much as I can what is the requirements and what is available to me as a retiree who will rely on being close to amenities.

Kind regards Caroleann.