Import tax & duty charges on household goods

Hello Everyone,

My name is James DeGazio and I will be arriving with my amazing wife and cat in mid July from KL Malaysia to support the opening and development of a new international school in 6th of October, Giza, Cairo. I will be head of their Performing Arts Department. I am a teacher, game designer, writer, swordsman, choreographer, director, voice over artist and performer. (But what teacher isn't) I am a lover and supporter of the arts, amateur astronomer, passionate about archaeology and crafting and science.

I am encountering a challenge which I hope your experience and knowledge may be able to help us with. Can anyone help me navigate the import tax & duty charges on household goods? I'm finding it hard to believe that I would have to pay tax on my own used household goods on arrival and then again on departure. Can anyone recommend a good tax lawyer?

I'm also interested in this subject! Also curious about the new school. What kind of school is it?

@James DeGazio Hi James, Well I really hope things have changed since last I heard how they are at the airport. I lived in Egypt for 2 yrs. But I haven't been back for about 6 yrs. My husband's family lives there and he sends gifts sometimes and everytime he does his brother goes to the airport to pick up the boxes. The always make him pay a lot of money just to pick up personal gifts.  They open your boxes to make sure nothing is being sent to be sold there. But knowing it's just personal family gifts, they still jak you!!! I don't even know if they have attorneys there that could help you. This is something that all Egyptians except because they know there is nothing they can do about it. Sorry, I hope things have changed by now.

@James DeGazio Hey. You can whatsapp message this lawyer to raise your concern and he might steer you in the direction you need to be.

***- AL Nasser.


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Hello Shami,

Thank you for the recommendation, however contact details should be sent through private message by clicking on the member's username > send a message.

Thanks in advance


Dear James,

we have been in the same situation, but, moving from Europe to Egypt. A container of 32 cubic meters All our furniture, computer, music books etc…

You will have to pay a tax on your own goods. But the custom did a very nasty job: frames broken, they literally walked on our Flat screen tv ( you could see foot prints on the packaging), of course it was broken, lamp shades destroyed. We had an insurance to cover the damage. The custom never reply to any email.

Be careful as well about the delivery of you goods, if you're late to pay the tax, your goods will be old at the port, and of course you will have to pay for that as well and it is very very expensive. You need to sort that out with your school.

Of course if your bring your goods in your suitcases, it's different.

when all that administrative part will be over, I'm sure that you will love the country. Amazing country, amazing people.