
Digital Nomad Visa Renewal

Last activity 14 October 2024 by rocade

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I hope you are doing well smile.png

I have another question about this topic.

We can extend DNV for another one year.

This another one year is from the current expiration date? Or from the date when we exntend DNV?



I understand it's up to the discretion of the PF when you have your interview with them. They will determine the expiry date of the extension. Others might have different experiences though.


@koirj @leashy_kate I agree, I also understand the same. In my extension process, the date of extension was one year from the date it was published in DOU.

However the person at the desk asked someone else for their opinion so I think they could easily use their own discretion.



Thank you for answering.

This renewal process is really irritating and long...

My current date of expiry is the end of this year so I was afraid if I can extend till it then I tried to apply so early (4.5 months before) as you might have said it can be applied 3 months before.

1 month already passed since I applied but still "EM TRAMITE" ....

Thank you for your help every time again.



Thank you for answring.

I'm glad to know people who has the same experience here in BR smile.png


I got an email about my DN Visa renewal application and they said the backgroud check i submited is not correct. They request this:

Certidões de antecedentes criminais ou documento equivalente, emitido pela autoridade judicial competente de onde tenha residido durante a autorização de residência de temporária.

Faltam apresentar as Certidões JUDICIAIS ESTADUAIS criminais brasileiras abaixo: 1) Certidões de antecedentes criminais onde tenha residido o imigrante em território nacional, certidão expedida pela Justiça Comum Estadual - TJ dos Estados;

Can someone let me know how do i get it, please? Is there a website or do I have to go somewhere?

Thank you!


I got a notification about my renewal application and they also requested original com tradução simples. That means I can make the translation?



09/30/23    I got a notification about my renewal application and they also requested original com tradução simples. That means I can make the translation?


Yes, that should be sufficient.


09/30/23   I got an email about my DN Visa renewal application and they said the backgroud check i submited is not correct. They request this:
Certidões de antecedentes criminais ou documento equivalente, emitido pela autoridade judicial competente de onde tenha residido durante a autorização de residência de temporária.
Faltam apresentar as Certidões JUDICIAIS ESTADUAIS criminais brasileiras abaixo: 1) Certidões de antecedentes criminais onde tenha residido o imigrante em território nacional, certidão expedida pela Justiça Comum Estadual - TJ dos Estados;

Can someone let me know how do i get it, please? Is there a website or do I have to go somewhere?

Thank you!


Do a websearch on "antecedentes criminais estado de (name of state)" for the state(s) where you've lived as a Digital Nomad in Brazil.  You can request them online from the state Tribunal of Justice, and generally download and print them at home. 


@abthree I’ve only lived in Rio. i can’t find any link. Do you have the link where I can do it? Thanks!


09/30/23    @abthree I’ve only lived in Rio. i can’t find any link. Do you have the link where I can do it? Thanks!   


Not surprisingly, RJ makes it a little more difficult than most other states.  Select "Ações Criminais": … cial/acoes



Hello, below certificate should be issued in the state where you have lived?

5) Certidões de antecedentes criminais ou documento equivalente, emitido pela autoridade judicial competente de onde tenha residido durante a autorização de residência de temporária.

I thought we needed to submit criminal certificate of Brazil.


@koirj For renewals: Two documents, one from federal level and one from state level both from Brazil. And your own declaration for the last five years for all countries.

There is a list here for Brazil documents: … -criminais (Policia Federal: Assuntos - Migração - Declarações e Formulários - Certidões Criminais)

@koirj I wouldn't worry too much if you didn't add the correct documents. From your message I see you applied 4.5 months in advance, so in case they ask for new documents, you will have around 30 days to upload them. In that case, you can even choose to take your time so the start of your new CRNM will be postponed a bit :-)

I understand they suggest 90 days in advance so you have enough time until your expiry date. It doesn't mean the processed should be completed before the 90 days or anything.


This renewal process is really irritating and long...

By the way, I know and I was pretty anxious during all the process and I still don't have my renewed card.

But while I was reading groups of digital nomads in other countries in the region, I appreciated the process here a bit. Yes it's slow and everything but at least, if you do things as requested by the relevant law, you get your residence eventually.



Thank you for answering my questions every time!

So we need to submit 2 types of criminal record?

From Federal and State.

I see those 2 in the URL you sent here.

And in case of that we need to modify something, they tell us about it via email right?


@koirj Sure!

Yes, for Brazil you always have to add two records every time they ask for it, according to that list.

There are so many variations on this criminal record document thing that it is easy to get lost. I had uploaded totally wrong documents first time too.

If you have added only one of them or another document instead, nothing to worry, you will most probably receive an email soon like @claudia9294. You can just check now if you can easily obtain them online or otherwise make yourself familiar about how to obtain them.


I got an update on my Migrante web application for my DN visa/residency renewal and now it says "DEFERIDO". Does anyone know what should I do now? Thanks!


@claudia9294 Hi, happy to hear that!

On migranteweb where it says "Ações do Processo", next to your name there is the magnifying glass icon 1f50d.svg. When you click that, does the next page say Publicado yet?


When it is Publicado, the procedure is the same both for first application and renewals. You will need to:

1) Pay the GRU

2) Get an appointment at your local Policia Federal Branch.

3) Collect the documents needed for Policia Federal and appear at your appointment.

Paying the GRU

First you need to create a boleto through this link:

Fill in your information. Where it says "Codigo Receita STN", you should fill in the number 140120. When you do that, if this value appears below R$204,77,  everything should be correct. This will create a "boleto" for you. Save and print it.

Bring it to a bank (I do it at Banco do Brasil) and pay by cash. They will give you your payment proof and the boleto, keep both.

Appointment … oCie.seam?

Through this link, fill in your information and follow steps to create your appointment at your local Policia Federal. Save and print all confirmation pages. There should be one page that includes your appointment date & time Dados de Agendamento. And another longer one that has all your information and a part at the end where you will need to sign.

Documents you will need

They are listed in the link below and I will add my explanation through my experience in Sao Paulo, Lapa. Each place may vary in their flexibility. … l-da-uniao


The document list are basically these, in the order of that checklist

1) The online confirmation form above which you need to sign

2) A photo, just in case, they probably will not ask for it

3) Address form, it says "preferably with some proof of residence" but they don't ask for it in Sao Paulo. You need to fill in, print and sign this form: … ontato.pdf

4) Your passport. They will probably ask for a copy of your ID page of your passport.

5) Birth Certificate with your parents full names, apostille & translated. For renewals: you don't need a birth certificate. (If you already have a CRNM and renewing it, or your parents full names are in your passport, you don't need this)

6) The DOU publication pages with your name. I would just print all the immigration DOU of that day because they ask for some "title" page in DOU apart from the page with your name is. Find here: … -uniao-dou

7) Payment proof of GRU

(Edited my answer from … 81#5754703)

And on what happens when you go to your appointment at Policia Federal, I shared an experience here from last year which is still the same at SP/Lapa: … =4#5741896


After 7 weeks, my application for a renewal of my digital nomad visa was reviewed today and they requested a two more documents.  I attached the documents in MigranteWeb, which now shows that I send the documents. 

A couple of questions:

  1. For those who needed to send additional documents, how long did it take for them to review the additional documents and approve the application?
  2. For a digital nomad renewal, is the final approval date the date they publish it in the DOU or the date I have my renewal interview with the PF?  I have 5 more weeks before my visa expires so trying to be sure everything is completed for the official renewal before then.


Hello, could you kindly help me again?

I got an update from them and need to modify 4 parts.

①Criminal record

I need to submit both federal and estado as you said so I will do.

②Declaration to carry out their professional activities remotely

Due to inconsistencies in the MigranteWeb system, I need to resubmit. Do you know what this means?

I used the same template as I did to get DNV so I'm not sure what I should change.

③Contract of job

This is needed to submit in Portuguese? I submit that in EN as origanal one is in EN.

④Anexo I

I need to resubmit this too. But I'm not sure what I should change.

I downloaded from the URL, … E_2021.pdf

I'm wondering maybe I should do Handwritten signature?

Please let me know what I should work on! 1f625.svg



1- For a review, it took me less than half the duration of the original application duration. Considering the recent delays, I'd guess maybe a few weeks. But I'd think that 5 weeks would be enough.

2- The approval date could even be taken as "Deferido" date, which is around a week before DOU publication. DOU date is definitely official, so I personally wouldn't worry about the interview date. Good luck!


1- Exactly, there's a link above in this thread for anyone else who might need the link for two Criminal Documents.

2- I suppose there was an error in their system viewing the document maybe? I also used the same format from my original application.

3- I would guess that any document used for official reasons within Brazil should be at least translated to Portuguese, if more legalizations are not necessary.

4- Sure, if it is just your signature missing. The final of that document clearly asks for Location, date, signature, full name and CPF.

(LOCAL E DATA) Assinatura do requerente ou de seu representante legal, discriminando-se o nome completo e CPF.

Good luck as well!



Thank you for answring every time really!

Please let me ask additinal question.

Regarding to the working contract, how did you translate it into portuguese?

If not a problem, I intend to use DeepL to economize money.

When I applied for the DNV in my country, orginail EN contract could be used without translation so I thought it was not necessary to submit in Portuguese too.



The consulates don't always require translations, apostilles as they know the local documents, standards, language in that country. The immigration section of Policia Federal has the following page on this topic: … e-traducao

If you want to take your chances, you can try the online translation method. I remember reading from others "traducao simples" being requested, in that case it would work. (My contract had been notarized/apostilled abroad and officially translated here in Brazil)



Thank you for answering.

I try to translate and resubmit.

If it needs to be translated officialy, I will just receive a message again.

I still have 3 months till expiry date of my CRNM so it should be okay.

Btw, I tried to get criminal record from Certidão Criminal Estadual (Órgão: TJRJ). (I'm in RJ)

But it takes at maximum 8 days to get after applying. Is this correct?

It should depends on the area so you might not know thoght...


@koirj As you have plenty of time, that’s a good point!

As I remember from other posts, RJ is indeed an exception. If I’m not wrong it was even not possible to obtain it online in the past, so it sounds better than nothing - there were paid external services though.

In case of urgency and if nearby, maybe one could try to go there in person and request.


I received the following response for additional documents for my digital nomad application but am not really sure what I need to send.  I originally uploaded my criminal history for Rio de Janeiro, the Certidao de Antecedentes Criminais from the Brazil Federal Police and even my home country with a translation.  Can anyone advise me what additional document(s) I need to provide?

Considerando que só foi apresentada a certidão expedida pela justiça comum estadual, apresentar certidões de antecedentes CRIMINAIS ou documento equivalente emitido pela autoridade judicial competente de onde tenha residido durante a autorização de residência de temporária (CERTIDÃO EXPEDIDA PELA JUSTIÇA FEDERAL) referente ao tempo de residência do imigrante em território nacional.


10/20/23 @californiainbrazil.  Rio de Janeiro seems to be an exception among the states in being unwilling/unable to issue Antecedentes Criminais to foreigners online.  You may want to go in person, with your communication from the PF and the document that you submitted from RJ, to the Instituto de Identificação Félix Pacheco in Centro and ask them if there's a different document that they can issue to you:

the Certidao de Antecedentes Criminais from the Brazil Federal Police

Just to provide context: This document comes up first when you google Antecedentes Criminais Federal, is issued by the Policia Federal themselves, so they know it already and don't ask for it for immigration applications to PF. (Like most here, I sent this document first time too. I guess it's used for some other purposes or when you need to present it to another country)

What the Federal Police asks for is a document by the 'Federal Justice' from your state, and another one from State Justice; full list here again for those who might need it: … -criminais



I sent additional documents and "Situação: EXIGÊNCIA CUMPRIDA" appears.

So I just need to wait right?

Does anyone get declines 2 times?

I'm afraid if my additional documents are correct as their comments are not clear.


For anyone who has done a digital nomad renewal in Rio de Janeiro and had your application approved, can you look at the criminal certificate for the state (federal) and let me know if it is the following?





Or if not, let me know the title of the document submitted that they accepted and any other information on how you obtained it.  I am getting a little anxious as I only have one month left and cannot seem to provide a version of this one document in Migrante Web that is correct.  Hoping the above is the correct one and trying to verify as I already sent two other versions which were rejected.


@californiainbrazil Maybe @koirj will share their experience applying from RJ. In case you don't get a response from someone with a first hand experience: 

PF asks for these documents in RJ:

1- Certidão Criminal Federal (Órgão: TRF2) … r-certidao

2 - Certidão Criminal Estadual (Órgão: TJRJ)

So you are trying to obtain the correct document for the first one. Which is:

Certidão Criminal Federal -> as in your document "CERTIDÃO JUDICIAL CRIMINAL NEGATIVA"

(Órgão: TRF2) -> as in your document "TRIBUNAL REGIONAL FEDERAL DA 2a REGIÃO"

To confirm, I clicked their site, where it says:

a partir de 12/09/2022 as certidões devem ser emitidas pelo novo sistema

So I followed this link. For Tipo de Certidao: , selected Criminal, enter CPF. And the header of the document I receive is exactly the one you have. It seems to me that you got the correct document.




Hello, I submited from … -criminais

shread by @rocade.

2 documents from Federal and Estudal.

I combined those into one PDF and submitted.

For Estudal, it took 1 day to get the document online.

To be honest I didn't understand this very well yet.

I chose the area, capital and there were 4types of "Distribuidor"

I just downloaded the document from first one and submitted it.

My renuewal process is not completed yet but the crminal records were already accepted.

I'm preapring other documents again because my resubmission was not accepted except for criminal records.



Unfortunately I submitted those same four documents for the RJ criminal certificates and those were rejected.  Obviously I have a different examiner. 

@rocade You listed one doc that I did not submit before that I now have, so will try adding that one. 

Thanks both for your help and advice



Did you already get new CRNM?

I would like to know how long it took to get new version.

Because I intend to get permanent CRNM based on Uniao Estavel with my GF after renewing my DNV and temporary CRNM.

I think I can not procced to get permanent CRNM while I don't get new CRNM of DNV.


My application in MigranteWeb now shows INDEFERIMENTO with the following reason:

Considering that the interested party was notified to comply with the requirement, dated 10/18/2023 and 10/20/2023, regarding the presentation of the criminal record certificate issued by the federal court. Considering that the interested party did not present the documentation requested to comply with the requirement, presenting only the criminal record certificate issued by the Federal Police. In view of the foregoing, we are in REJECTION of the request.

Can I submit a new request or is there another option?




Sorry I can not help you with this topic...

I think it's better to visit PF actually.

When I send a message via email, the reply was faster than I thought so if you live far away from PF, you also can try to send email to them.


@Timothy Ryan - I'm not a tax advisor (and I have not filed taxes for my year in Brazil under DN, yet), but it has been my understanding that I will be taxed as a foreigner at a flat 25% over my worldwide income. Then, the United States will only require me to pay my USA Tax obligation minus the amount I paid to Brazil. So, in effect, my total tax obligation will be the same as what I must pay to USA as a USA citizen.

I will try to confirm this information when I file soon, since I moved to Rio de Janeiro in March 2023 or so.


I was going to post some information I had found on Google Bard, but then when I asked it another question it gave contradictory information - so I figured it was better to just delete it all. 

My understanding was that you are considered a tax resident if you stay in the country for more than 183 days in a travel year that starts on a floating entry date each year.  In other words if you enter Brazil on March 1st, that particular travel year ends on February 28th the following year.  Then if you next enter on August 1st, that starts another time period which ends on July 31st. 

Social Security for US Citizens isn’t taxable in Brazil due to a tax treaty - however private pensions may or may not be taxable - my assumption would be that the are. 


   01/17/24  @Timothy Ryan - I'm not a tax advisor (and I have not filed taxes for my year in Brazil under DN, yet), but it has been my understanding that I will be taxed as a foreigner at a flat 25% over my worldwide income. Then, the United States will only require me to pay my USA Tax obligation minus the amount I paid to Brazil. So, in effect, my total tax obligation will be the same as what I must pay to USA as a USA citizen.


Welcome!  I'll start by recommending a classic for general information, US Taxes for Americans Abroad by Villamena and Hamilton: … amp;sr=8-1

A book cannot replace individualized advice from a Brazilian and an American expert, but this book can give you plenty of valuable background information.

The crucial dates for filing 2023 taxes in 2024 are Monday, April 15, 2024 for the US and Friday, May 31, 2024 for Brazil.  This is a good time to be looking for a Brazilian accountant:  they're just starting to contact their regular clients, and put together their schedules for tax season.

You'll need to discuss your situation with both a US and a Brazilian tax advisor to determine your best course.  The US does provide a tax credit to expats for taxes paid on earned income abroad,  but since as a Digital Nomad you're not allowed to have any Brazil-based income, it would be very hard to qualify for that.  If most of your income comes from the US, that would be the natural place for you to pay taxes; if it's third country income -- for example, if you're giving online English lessons to Japanese students and paying Japanese taxes -- you may qualify.  Your tax advisor can tell you quickly.

Brazil and the US don't have a tax treaty, but Brazil has a policy against double taxation, so the taxes you've already paid to the US when you file your Brazilian taxes will be taken into consideration in calculating them.  Unless your income is very low you'll probably end up paying your US taxes plus some additional to Brazil, but it shouldn't be anything like 25%.

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