Working in China - health concerns

Hi, I'm from Australia! I previously lived and worked in China for a year. I am considering going back but I wanted to see what others think about this - does the pollution or worry about long-term effects on health put you off? As an asthmatic, the days with high pollution were a bit hard. I am not sure I want to put myself back into that situation but I suppose it can depend on the area. I am looking at the Hangzhou area (working at a university). Thoughts from anyone who has been living in China for a while?


Dear Biancavins,

The Chinese government air pollution reduction strategies have largely allowed the country to win it's war against pollution.

Between 2011 and 2020, particulate pollution exposure declined by an average of 39.6 present across the Chinese population.

Have a look at China: National Air quality action plan (2023) AQLT on line.

It might assist you with your decision making.

Kind Regards


We were in Jinan China from Canada 10 years ago and could not see blue sky. Now, we are back to Jinan and can see blue sky everyday. Cheers.

@biancavins  Hi.  I'm originally from Canada and have also spent some time in Australia.  The air quality in China has vastly improved in the past 10 years.  When were you last in China?  Personally, I think it's tolerable in Hangzhou but of course still poorer than Australia.  I expect the air quality to continue to improve as EV's are proliferating rapidly (more than 1/3 of new vehicle sales this year will be EV's). Plus there is a conscious effort to improve the urban environment with more parks and trees.  Hope this helps.

In Jinan, I do see many electric vehicles. On the other hand, I don't see smoke coming out of the gas powered vehicles. I heard many of the factories have been moved out to some remote areas with better control on polution. I think these all help with improviing the air quality.

This is an excellent site showing air pollution levels all over China:

Admin: If links aren't allowed, please remove and accept my humblest apologies.


the policy on environment has changed significantly in China … we used to focus on economic growth while its said now … The gold and silver mountains are not as good as the green waters and green mountains.1f600.svg