Stay in PH for 3 months FOR baby's birth but have a criminal record
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Hey everyone my name is Michael Roberts I am a US Navy combat veteran. I also work at VA hospital in Connecticut. I have a major issue that I'm trying to brainstorm on. My fiance is a Eddielyn is a Filipino national but works in Taiwan in electronic factory. I went to visit her after 4 years of talking online. I went to Taiwan for 8 days and it was amazing, you could say a little too amazing 🤦🤦😳😂😂. She is now 8 weeks pregnant and I am struggling with immigration in the US. So it looks like I will not be able to get her to the US before the baby is born. So my plan now is to go to Taiwan in August, marry her, and come back. Then in December just before the due date of January 13th I'm going to take my FMLA leave and then I'll turn into parental leave. Which at that point I will have 3 months total. I want to stay in the Philippines for that time but the issue is I have a felony criminal record because of crazy ex-girlfriend's lies.
Is there anyway I can stay past the 30 days?? We are going to get married in Taiwan but she'll be staying in Taiwan til 6 months then in Sept - Oct Prego she will be going back to the Philippines. I won't be with her at that time but I'll be going back to her home in ilocos sur in dec. What can I do to stay with a criminal record. Starting to freak out bc I don't want to miss my bonding time with my first child, at 47 🤦😂💪🙏
Any advice is greatly appreciated 💪🙏❤️
@Michael Freeze Congrats on the new baby, and also marriage... Hope it works out... Maybe worth a call to embassy in Manila?
@Michael Freeze Welcome to the forum. I've been in the Philippines for almost 2 years now. So far I have two 6-month visa extensions. There is a paper with each extension stating that my name was not found on the black list. I believe that for simple extensions there is no background check, as long as you're not black listed. Someone correct me if I'm wrong.
I'm in process of a permanent SRRV visa and I'm required to have a NBI clearance which is in process.
@Moon Dog I am going on a 30 day passport visit. Do I need to apply for a visa and if I do will it flag me for a criminal record?? Or are u saying I can apply and get a Visa without having to worry about my record and getting flagged ?
If you’re married to a Filipina you can obtain a Balikbyan Visa as you enter the country good for 1 year. You have to be traveling with her to do that, if she’s not with you you get 21 days which might be converted to Balikbyan at the immigration office after you arrive. Make sure you’ve got both your passports and marriage contract/certificate when you go.
Welcome to the forum Michael, as Wellsfry said congrats for your future.
As a citizen from the US you can simply rock up here for 30 days then extend your visa at immi for a further 30 days then 60 days or you can extend at the airport when you land for a further 29 days then visit immi, make sure you have P3,030 as they don't take foreign currency nor credit/debit cards.
I have been knocking around here for near 13 years and permanently for 4 years on a visitor visa and never a police check, only as Moon Dog said the blacklist check,,,,,, we try to be good here.
Good luck mate.
Cheers, Steve
Michael. . . .Make sure you are married and prove it before all of you come to the Philippines. Then you can enter on a Balikbayan Visa. For some time balikbayan holders do not to have an outbound ticket. This way you are entitled to stay up to one year.
Since you are 46 living permanently in the Philippines is probably not an option. After entering the Philippines you have to determine what are your best options.
I don't think three months of leave time is enough to cut through the red tape. If you want to take your family to the states the time line will extend far beyond three months and If you want to keep the family intact maybe living in the states could be a solution.
If somehow you can get Eddielyn to the states before the baby is born, the baby will be a U.S. citizen. You do not have to be married at the time.
Hundred of thousands Chinese women come to the states to have their babies born U.S. citizens and then fly back to China.
@Sugarnutz yeah she is already going be home in el delfonso Ilocos Sur at end of pregnancy by time I arrive in Dec. So it will just be me traveling to see her and take car of her last 3 weeks of it. We will of already been married in August in Taiwan. So I can just go to immigration when I arrive in laoago airport ? And don't have to worry about them asking about a record and or anything. They will just grant me extra time to stay ?
@Enzyte Bob oh no I am aware of the details. There may of been some confusion with my post. I am federal employee at the veterans affairs healthcare system in CT, US and also a US combat veteran myself. I can not stay and have only 3 months for parental leave before I have to go back home and back to work. During this time the us visa spousal app will be already submitted since Sept. She will stay working on TAIWAN after we get married there and I leave to go back home to us. At 5-6 months Prego she will then go back home to delfonso, Ilocos Sur, about end of Sept. I will then be coming to PH 2 days after Christmas to spend the last weeks of Prego with her and be there for babies birth EST JAN 13TH. Then bonding time for 2 1/2 months after, til March. We are praying the spouse visa will be approved by then and her and baby can come home to us with me. If not I will be coming back home to us, with 2 checkin bags with 1 of which will have ALOT of her things. I will have apt ready for her and baby for when the visa is approved.
My over all concern was the record I have bc of the lying ex past case. I don't want anything To *** up our plans for me to see my baby being born. The game plan is to come to pH on a 30 no visa just passport and figure out ext.
So u are saying I can come and when I arrive in Ilocos Sur I can request marriage visa, sorry the name is hard to remember lol, for 1 year if I have my passport and marriage license with me? She will be home, her sister will be meeting me at airport bc she will be ready to pop lol. So she will not be at airport or immigration to help
Ty all for ur great well wishes
I am excited and freaked out at the same time 💪❤️🙏
@Enzyte Bob also she does have a interview for a tourist visa at AIT in Taipei august 31st. We are praying she gets approved for that. If not everything else is plan B
Michael - First of all congratulations to you for both your upcoming marriage and the birth of your child.
I have read this post with interest and do not see a great deal of detail in it regarding the actual marriage and all the paperwork and time needed in Taiwan to complete and process it. I have read that there could be a problem with foreigners getting married there if the countries the foreigners are from do not recognise Taiwan as an independent state/country. One thing you both need is a statement of singleness to prove you are both single and can legally be married. The article I read also says it may be difficult to get this if one of you is a member of a South East Asian country. The article goes on to say that Taiwan may require you to register for marriage in your home country first.
You will need to do your homework on the marriage in Taiwan part if you have not already done so and allow enough time in Taiwan to complete and get all the relevant paperwork completed, authenticated and registered.
Good luck and the above is just what I have read on the internet so you may wish to check for yourself.
One last thing - Have you checked that a criminal record will not complicate matters for your marriage in Taiwan and if they require any documentation regarding that?
Marriage while can be difficult to accomplish, 10 times harder to get out of. Been there and never again after 22 years married cost me over a million bucks.
Cheers, Steve.
Marriage while can be difficult to accomplish, 10 times harder to get out of. Been there and never again after 22 years married cost me over a million bucks.
Cheers, Steve.
Same with me although not sure of the amount it will actually cost me in the long run. The money I lost I was not too fussed about but it is the fact that her solicitor told her to go after my work placed pension so she gets 45% of that so that will work out a lot more than what I had to pay out initially.
@Moon Dog I am going on a 30 day passport visit. Do I need to apply for a visa and if I do will it flag me for a criminal record?? Or are u saying I can apply and get a Visa without having to worry about my record and getting flagged ?
-@Michael Freeze
I've extended twice, it was quick, simple and granted in as little as 15 minutes. I'm sure they did not do any background check in that amount of time. You will surely need a background check for some of your other hopes and dreams but not a visa extension.
Marriage while can be difficult to accomplish, 10 times harder to get out of. Been there and never again after 22 years married cost me over a million bucks.
Cheers, Steve.
Same with me although not sure of the amount it will actually cost me in the long run. The money I lost I was not too fussed about but it is the fact that her solicitor told her to go after my work placed pension so she gets 45% of that so that will work out a lot more than what I had to pay out initially.
Jeez. Not to put too fine a point on it Cherryanne but your ex ended up ( forgive the cliché) getting a lot more buck for the bang .😟💰
@Moon Dog I am going on a 30 day passport visit. Do I need to apply for a visa and if I do will it flag me for a criminal record?? Or are u saying I can apply and get a Visa without having to worry about my record and getting flagged ?
-@Michael Freeze
I've extended twice, it was quick, simple and granted in as little as 15 minutes. I'm sure they did not do any background check in that amount of time. You will surely need a background check for some of your other hopes and dreams but not a visa extension.
-@Moon Dog
I guess there is a good chance that by the time you go to the Philippines the new bill may be signed off and you will get 59 days on arrival instead of 30 and will only then need to extend once for your 3 month stay.
Marriage while can be difficult to accomplish, 10 times harder to get out of. Been there and never again after 22 years married cost me over a million bucks.
Cheers, Steve.
Same with me although not sure of the amount it will actually cost me in the long run. The money I lost I was not too fussed about but it is the fact that her solicitor told her to go after my work placed pension so she gets 45% of that so that will work out a lot more than what I had to pay out initially.
Jeez. Not to put too fine a point on it Cherryanne but your ex ended up ( forgive the cliché) getting a lot more buck for the bang .😟💰
-@Lotus Eater
No this was the ex wife I was talking about, married to her for 17 years and living in the UK.
Marriage while can be difficult to accomplish, 10 times harder to get out of. Been there and never again after 22 years married cost me over a million bucks.
Cheers, Steve.
Same with me although not sure of the amount it will actually cost me in the long run. The money I lost I was not too fussed about but it is the fact that her solicitor told her to go after my work placed pension so she gets 45% of that so that will work out a lot more than what I had to pay out initially.
So your ex wife wants two bites of the cherry? Tell her you'll see here in court, should have all been sorted out in the first settlement.
Cheers, Steve.
Marriage while can be difficult to accomplish, 10 times harder to get out of. Been there and never again after 22 years married cost me over a million bucks.
Cheers, Steve.
Same with me although not sure of the amount it will actually cost me in the long run. The money I lost I was not too fussed about but it is the fact that her solicitor told her to go after my work placed pension so she gets 45% of that so that will work out a lot more than what I had to pay out initially.
So your ex wife wants two bites of the cherry? Tell her you'll see here in court, should have all been sorted out in the first settlement.
Cheers, Steve.
That was the first settlement Steve. We sold the house and the remaining money which was only about £12, 000 after the mortgage was paid off and all fees deducted was split 60/40 in her favour. She also got 45% of the work placed pension but not my Forces pension and another small personal pension.
Yep My ex wife got 60%, she initially told me we split 50/50 and I said no as you will have the kids and I want this as an amicable breakup, She said no 50/50.
I went to Fiji to work for 6 months and when I got back she suddenly wanted 70%, I told her I'll see you in court, we settled on 60/40 in her favour, that required me to buy her out of the company, another 4 way partnership, sale of properties, superannuation etc. etc. As said she walked away wealthier than me and it took me another 15 years to build my nest egg up to retire, retire well.
A Marriage certificate is just a bit of paper but can lead to hard times if the sh1t hits the fan,,,,, don't go there.
Cheers, Steve.
Big Pearl - I totally agree with you about marriage, problem now is even if you live together without being married for a certain amount of time there are or could be financial implications depending on where you are in the world. Sad that money always seems to be the driving issue when couples split and the solicitors do not help either. My ex wife was all for sorting things out between ourselves with no solicitor involved apart to sign off on what we agreed but once she changed her mind I knew it would get expensive and messy.
Lol, perhaps Mrs Palmer and her 5 daughters are cheaper?
Cheers, Steve.
@Michael Freeze Congratulations. Of cours you can stay, its not tatood on your forehead, exept if you have the record within the philippines and did something wrong there. Than of course they know, and could refuse you entering or even arrest you if there is enough ground for. But as long as you are not on a list of wanted persons or a black list, you are free to go anywere. Of course if you want to stay permanent in the Phililppines than you have to show a criminal record, than you would have probably a problem.
I'm in the process of completing my SRRV Expanded Courtesy visa. I finally established a bank account showing the $1,500 deposit. It took the local PNB bank 2 full months and 3 sets of paperwork to establish the correct bank account. I will send a bunch of papers and my passport to the PRA agent on Monday.
I don't need any sort of criminal background check or police report from my home country for this, only the NBI clearance which is in process. The visa should be issued but not complete. I will have 12 months to have some sort of affidavit regarding DD214 and Social Security letter notarized at the US Embassy and then it will be complete.
When I divorced my first wife I had a plan. I accepted a job offer from Dresser-Rand and they gave me a sweet relocation package. I then relocated from Delaware to Texas. There was almost $200K equity in the house and the relocation package paid the commission so we got all of it. The money was initially wired to my account but it was put on hold because her approval was also needed. Her lawyer said not to sign because she could get her 70%. After a couple days I saw the money was in my account? I didn't ask questions, I just wrote my estranged wife a personal check for exactly half and mailed it to her. She bought a new car and I don't know what else but her share didn't last long. The relocation package took care of the moving van so all the belongings was trucked to Texas. All she got was half the house, none of my savings, pension, belongings, etc. This was 2005, I was 53 and she was 34 and she dropped dead at the age of 49.
This will help in your future. Before you go to US Immigration in Manila to obtain an immigrant visa for your wife get a letter of introduction from your local US Representative for Immigration. I got 3 months of paperwork done in 3 days, only thing I couldn’t get done was her interview which was scheduled for two weeks later. When my wife went for her interview she was scared seeing a bunch of girls come out in tears, all they did was ask if she wanted something to drink and when they came back 10 minutes later they told her that her visa would be ready the next morning. No questions at all!
This will help in your future. Before you go to US Immigration in Manila to obtain an immigrant visa for your wife get a letter of introduction from your local US Representative for Immigration. I got 3 months of paperwork done in 3 days,
Sugarnutz said . . .only thing I couldn’t get done was her interview which was scheduled for two weeks later. When my wife went for her interview she was scared seeing a bunch of girls come out in tears, all they did was ask if she wanted something to drink and when they came back 10 minutes later they told her that her visa would be ready the next morning. No questions at all!
Was that sometime ago? As I understand they have suspended the interview process in Manila. When I & my wife had the interview together the whole time was about Las Vegas. My wife & I lived in Vegas and the lawyer had vacation there.
This was an interview for my 13A.
@Enzyte Bob Long time ago, over 30 yrs. Reason I mentioned is that the introduction from a congressman who approves funding for those government employees goes a long way greasing the wheels.
@Cherryann01 All set man I am fully researched and knowledgeable about The how Taiwan Process for marriage. I even already wrote up my own marriage contract in chinese. But we are now forgoing the interview and going straight to the K1 now. knowing most K1s take about 9 months and if we start it now and forgo the tourist interview, she could be approve to come to US as my fiance at 9 months FEB right after the baby is born when I am in pH with her til march. We could do a Farewell to her family the right way and i can be with her to help her pack for trip and coming to US
@Sugarnutz @Enzyte
So what you're both talking about is a US visa or a PH visa? Also what is a introduction letter? I am in contact with Senator Murphy's deputy chief of services and she said she will try to put in a expedited request after 30 days. should I ask her for a letter too ?
So do to the fact we can still do a K1 visa we are going to forgo the marriage and tourist visa too. I am still going to go to taiwan in August to give her a ring, get my FMLA paperwork signed by her doctor and do baby announcement. Only thing is the US immigration is going to try and tell her about my case with my EX. I already told her everything about it years ago and she is more upset I had to go through that and she knows my ex lied and got me locked up. I was told by lawyers they will ask has and once she says that, they will just approve her at interview. Being the fact the K1 visas are taking about 9 months she could get approved by Feb which is when I will be with her in PH on parental leave. So we would be able to say our farewells together with her family and I can pack for her and baby and we can all come back to US together. thank you all for the help. I will go to manila imm at airport when I arrive I have a 5 hour layover in manila and then off to laoag airport
To the OP, Perhaps I'm cynical, yes most times but you chatted with this lovely lady for four years, went and met her, had a wow of a time and had unprotected sex and now a baby coming, was that planned or an accident?
While I wish you the best with your future family I still scratch my head why some guys won't wear raincoats.
Cheers, Steve.
bigpearl said. . . .To the OP, Perhaps I'm cynical, yes most times but you chatted with this lovely lady for four years, went and met her, had a wow of a time and had unprotected sex and now a baby coming, was that planned or an accident?
While I wish you the best with your future family I still scratch my head why some guys won't wear raincoats.
Raincoats? How about Galoshes ! A cheap pair of galoshes is less expensive than support for 21 year.
I was thinking the same thing but decided to give him a break and hope it works out. What happened to the OP is just a repeating of many others.
Not directed at the OP, recently I posted about another Expat who was also exchanging letters for four years with a Filipina (before internet and smart phones), he married her and brought Her, an Uncle, Nephew and Mother-in-law over to the states. The Uncle turned out to be husband #1 and the nephew was her son. They ended up cleaning him out and returned to the Philippines. They planned for their future years in advance.
It's too late for Galoshes, but further protection could be provided by a blood test before the OP signs the birth certificate.
Or fools rush in Bob.
Cheers, Steve.
@Michael Freeze
Michael you mentioned that your previous GF effectively set you up for a fall hence your criminal record. I'm curious as to whether she was a Filipina?
You do realise that the dynamic in a Western/Filipina relationship changes once you bring them back to your home country. A couple of months ago the vlogger Paul 'Old dog new tricks' in Dumaguete did a very informative interview about this subject which I have attached below. By the way if only all Filipinas were like the charming lady he interviewed.
That said if you met your lady via Cherry Blossoms you should be fine as all 'contestants' are vetted
That said if you met your lady via Cherry Blossoms you should be fine as all 'contestants' are vetted
@Lotus Eater
Yes they are! What about that Manila bar girl wife, is she vetted as well?
Lotus, ty for sharing. Initially it looked like trafficking with tito involved at the start but it ended up a good interview with a genuine lady and obviously a loving husband, wish them well. I did the same with my better half to Australia, he worked there for 5 or 6 years until I retired and we moved back here. 12 or 13 years on we are still together. Yes fights and disagreements occasionally but the love and commitment seems to be there on both sides.
I vetted my better half living together in Manila for a year before bringing him to Australia, skeptical/cautious whatever seems to have paid off, that was after 6 months chatting on the net before we met face to face, learn and know your future.
Cheers, Steve.
That said if you met your lady via Cherry Blossoms you should be fine as all 'contestants' are vetted
@Lotus Eater
Yes they are! What about that Manila bar girl wife, is she vetted as well?
-@Moon Dog
Yeah I have a good mate that has been with a Thai bar girl for 7 or 8 years now. He supports her so he can dip his wick when they see each other 2 or 3 times a year, sad existence.
Cheers, Steve.
Michael mentioned that his sweetheart is 8 weeks pregnant so with my Fuzzy Math, it will be seven months before he becomes a father.
Several members of this Forum had online marriages from Utah. Is it possible with him in the US and his sweetheart in Taiwan to obtain one of those Utah marriages?
If so, maybe she can get a visa before the birth and come to the US. This way his child would be a US citizen and his sweetheart could obtain her SS# and a green card.
So if they ever plan on coming to the Philippines he would have a year on a Balikbayan Visa.
@Lotus Eater and everyone else
No my ex that LIED and tried to fuck my life up was not and NO this is the first time for everything. So TY for your concern BUT I think its time to bring it back to on topic discussion.
Even though I do have a thing for Asians and dated a few in US I never thought of searching out a random pina for marriage. BC I never had a issue getting a women in my life if anything the main reason to go and meet her was to see the world and asia bc I have never been and respect the culture. . I am making a respond to all these over the top stereotypical questions. FYI this is a first time for even thinking of talking to a pina. I am a US techno and club dj and used to be a big club promoter on top of a veteran so I had quite the young life. So I never had a prob getting a lady or having a " " life. Meeting her just happened on OKcupid app 2019 when I thought, why not, and started looking at international women's profiles.
Lets face it, a lot of you haven't been in the US in a long time and this country has gone to COMPLETE SHIT you wouldn't even recognize the it anymore. it actually sickens me this is the country I fought for and put my life on the line for. Most american are trash now and are selfish AF. The majority of women here have no morals anymore and are dishonest AF too, i am sure you have read all the news about US and what's going on here. So I thought why not bc otherwise I am done dating and trying to find the one. I vetted the shit out many others in the 4 years including her. I even ghosted her a few times to test her on top of testing her in many other ways in the 4 years to even think about going to see her. I am ADD outside the box smart and can see a scammer coming a mile away so I caught more than a few of those well before they started to ask for money, sometimes even within the first week of talking. One of no goes for me was if a pina or thai would alude about money. it was a hard no and quick delete. I never send money to anyone. I told any of them you will work if you ever come here and NO I will not support you it w half half with me. So from the beginning She is beyond open and honest with me, shit I even have control and full access to all her social media accounts without even asking bc she wanted me to believe in her and she has done nothing but be very transparent in every way. I told her everything from the beginning and was very open with her. I told her we are not in a relationship or anything until I come to visit and then we will see how well we click before we make that serious move. So for 4 years we talked to each other, for 6 months on OK CUPID and after I was ok with it we then started on FB video messenger. So after the plan was to apply for tourist visa and have her come to stay with me for 6 months and see how it goes before we even think about anything further. The pregnancy actually was a mistake. I truly thought after 47 years old and the crazy nightlife dj life I had dated a lot of extremely attractive women, that I was sterile, BIGGGGGG mistake lol. We both asked for the blessing during our trip for our future if it became a long-term relationship but not this fast. Only reason we are marrying and moving forward with all of this is bc I am a honorable man with strong family value and a big heart. Far from weak bc of it ! Mama raised me right and its the right thing to do to have a happy family for our baby. I grew up in a broken family and I will not have that for my child.. we both are dedicated to do what it take for our child. She actually said OH SHIT when doc told her she has a baby forming in stomach. i am the one that put 2 and 2 together and told her she needs to get tested, she didn't believe it. So this does a lot of damage and she was upset at first bc she supports her baby brother in college and parents back home. Now she has to plan to stop working in Taiwan electronics factory and go home to be with family before she gives birth. she is a very very hard working person and has a very strong work ethic. she stops me all the time from spending or sending anything to her bc she wants to pay for it herself when she gets paid. she stopped me at the time when I was there from spending money on her. During this hole process she has done anything i ask of her and gotten any paperwork from back home when needed for process. we both have our NON MARRIAGE statement from each of our country's. she has her little attitude at time and its gotten crazy with the pregnant mood swings but eddielyn is over a a very good woman with strong family values and work ethic and have meet all the family and talked to them alot on video and FB. On top of that I have everything in order and even a prenup ready for signing BUt in my state of CT the are solid contracts and very legal binding. not playing around after the nightmare bc of my EX and I am very careful. Just not with happy time GEEZ I really thought I was sterile and even told her I there may be a chance we cant have kids and she was ok with it
So that is that, I hope this puts to rest all the off topic questions bc this is it. I will not be answering anymore of them. in the most respectful classy way I am going task you to keep your stereotypical thoughts to yourself, like a NUNNNNAAAAAAA FROM THIS POINT ON LOL
Oh fyi a new aspect of the immigration laws here. No matter where the baby is born once it is registered within the US embassy being my son or daughter it gets its full US citizenship ! it will be a dual citizen or PH and US
Michael mentioned that his sweetheart is 8 weeks pregnant so with my Fuzzy Math, it will be seven months before he becomes a father.
Several members of this Forum had online marriages from Utah. Is it possible with him in the US and his sweetheart in Taiwan to obtain one of those Utah marriages?
If so, maybe she can get a visa before the birth and come to the US. This way his child would be a US citizen and his sweetheart could obtain her SS# and a green card.
So if they ever plan on coming to the Philippines he would have a year on a Balikbayan Visa.
-@Enzyte Bob
Yes it is.. That is actually what my new lawyer just suggested today in fact and we are going that route. But the marriage has to be consummated which it will be when I go to see her again in august and immigrations accepts that way too
You never had a problem meeting a lady? Why on dating sites then? Sounds like you do and now you will be a father from a dating site?
Thanks for the last long winded reply which only confirms insecurities and trying to justify the position you placed yourself in.
4 years chatting online? Thought you said you never had a problem meeting the fairer sex.
Only time will tell but I'm sure we all wish you a happy sailing.
Cheers, Steve.
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