

I am a UK citizen, but live in the US. I'm about to move to India for a year's study (after which I will return to the US).

My US doctor has prescribed anti-malarial pills (Malarone = Atovaquone / Proguanil). I'm going back and forth on whether to get them or not. The location I'm going to (Pune) is low-risk for malaria, so I wouldn't consider it if I were going on a short trip, but I understand that the risk of contracting malaria rises with length of time. On the other hand, the cost is off-putting, and I'm not eager to take possibly unnecessary medication for a year.

Do other long-term expatriates in low-risk areas take anti-malarials? Does anyone not? Any personal experience of pros or cons?

Thanks so much in advance!

Not required but if you seriously want it then come to India and buy it for only a few dollars.

Hello Anahita Hoose,

Welcome to 1f600.svg

Please note that your thread is now on the Pune forum.

This will increase your chances of receiving valuable advice from individuals residing in that specific area.


Cheryl team

Anahita Ji omidvaram khub bashi 1f603.svg actually you don't need to take anti malaria's tablets if you are living in pune. Few changes in like don't drink direct tap water and use filter water purifier machine or prefer packed drinking water. 1f603.svg

you can use rarely this INDIAN Cream or repellents spray if you are not allergic.


Thanks for the input, all!