About test method of hepatitis C

hi, my Hepatitis C report is positive in screening method and everytime it is positive in screening, but by Elisa method , its value is 0.025 which is non-reactive in report. Also in PCR it is not detected. I want to know  which method Gamca is using. Either screening or Elisa ?  if Elisa and report is negative in this method then will i be consider fit or not?   

Standard antibody test.

@Hafiz Mohsin , bro Recently I'm also facing Same Problem ,

   Can you tell me Did you Appear in GAMCA MEDICAL And What was Your Result

  Did they Mark you As Fit OR UN-FIT ??

@Hafiz Mohsin they are using Abbott CMIA technique.

@mateenanwer ,, For HCV ?

@sufyanali258 yes

@Hafiz Mohsin

Hi I also have same issue