Quad bike accident- Orthopaedic and/or GP recommendations Siem Reap

Hoping for your help and advice.

My 18 year old daughter fractured her pelvis in a quad bike accident in Siem Reap yesterday.

She is back in the hotel now after emergency care, X-ray, ultrasound and diagnosis at Royal Angkor International Hospital.

She was discharged with pain medication which we have checked with Australian Drs and are happy with.

We are keen  to talk with an Orthopaedic Dr and/or GP to get advice re anticoagulants (ideally oral) as DVT a risk with pelvic fractures, and to plan her flight home.

Would love your advice, recommendations etc.

Also - we are all totally devastated this has happened and feeling like fools for letting her do this so please hold off on any comments re the quad biking.

[link moderated]

Dr Veng Vuthy have used as a Ortho before, Ta Phul Street, Siem Reap English speaking

But imagine your hospital there should be advising all as well as when is time to move to Thailand. 

Some that need time to stabilise and can't fly move to Phnoh Penh for a while or go to Thailand by land if can.

Best of luck, Sheila   

@sarah88827 It's going to be okay. She's alive, she's getting medical treatment. Get her home asap, taking everything one step and one day at a time. Sending thoughts and prayers!

Good afternoon,

There is a Dr Veng Vuthy orthopedic surgeon that might be able to help you.

His contact number is***

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@hiddencambodia  thank you so much.

We are so very lucky that it is an undisplaced stable fracture and she is ambulant with crutches and can weight bear as she can tolerate.

The Orthopods we have consulted in Australia suggest she comes home. Seems we need the anti coag and also a fit to fly certificate. Will follow up your recommendation.

@Mary Wessels  thank you so much.

We are so very lucky that it is an undisplaced stable fracture and she is ambulant with crutches and can weight bear as she can tolerate.

The Orthopods we have consulted in Australia suggest she comes home. Seems we need the anti coag and also a fit to fly certificate. Will follow up your recommendation - @hiddencambodia has recommended the same Dr.

@marzlilly thank you. You are right

She is luck that it is a un-displaced stable fracture. She should be fine. probably better to buy her a business class seat so she can lie down. Remember that strong medication can cause other problems like constipation which would not be fun. Don't regret letting her do the quad bikes we all need a little excitement in our lives, and if the accident didn't happen it would have been a great memory.

I have some  friends, who are well known there in Siem Reap (Cambodians) if you need help let me know. Also, I have travelled by land to Bangkok from Siem Reap not a bad trip. In Bangkok  I used  the. [link moderated]. Hospital, excellent care, the specialist spoke better English than I. Highly recommend them.

So sorry to hear about your daughter's mishap. She must feel awful in addition to the physical pain. As a parent I have a sense of how you are feeling, take care, all the best. I hope you get back to experience all Siem Reap has  to offer.

@Barry G76 thanks for the support and for offering to connect me with your friends. The staff in the hotel (Angkor Village Hotel)  have been amazing.

Thanks also for the info re the overland trip to Bangkok. It's one of the options I am considering. Opens up more choice of business class flights - as suggested by @Mary Wessels 

Which hospital in Thailand did you have the great experience at? The link has been blocked by the webpage but perhaps just the name of the hospital will be allowed?

Thanks to you and everyone else who has replied x

@Mary Wessels yes we are all trying to feel lucky. Although it all feels pretty terrible now it could have been SO much worse.

I have made an appointment with Dr Veng Vuthy tomorrow morning.

We had the same thought re keeping everything regular and asked the hospital for a fibre supplement yesterday.

Am also scoping business class options for various airlines. Looks like we will be able to make this happen. What airline and route we choose will likely depend on when she can leave and what's available on that day.

Thanks to you and everyone else for the advice and support. It's all very helpful and appreciated.