How to get scholarships?

Thank you. My name is Sarah Makweba. Tanzanian aged 22. I wish to have my masters degree in Ireland university of Dublin on culinary nutrition. I wish I can get help on the information required for their website offers me only little knowledge on how to get scholarships and so forth.

Thank you

Hello Sarah Makweba,

Welcome to 1f601.svg

In order to help you, please note that I have created a new thread with your post for more visibility on the Ireland forum.

Hopefully, someone can enlighten you soon.


Cheryl team

Thank you. My name is Sarah Makweba. Tanzanian aged 22. I wish to have my masters degree in Ireland university of Dublin on culinary nutrition. I wish I can get help on the information required for their website offers me only little knowledge on how to get scholarships and so forth.
Thank you
-@Sarah Makweba

Hi and welcome to the Forum.

The University has a website that deals with this matter; this link will take you straight to it.

More importantly, it offers you a link to "take the next step" by asking them questions or applying for a scholarship.

I hope this helps.


Expat Team