
Period of adaptation for optometrists

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sidra Shaheen

Hi. I am sidra from Pakistan and i need guidance regarding visa for period of adaptation. As i came to know that there's no visa for non-Europeans to complete supervised training fot optometrists in Ireland if CORU tells to do so. Is that true? Kindly, guide me i am literally stuck.



Hello sidra Shaheen,

I hope someone who went through this will be able to provide you with all details needed. 1f60a.svg

In the meantime, you should have a look at this pdf > … l-2021.pdf

Best of luck,

Cheryl teamk


Hi. I am sidra from Pakistan and i need guidance regarding visa for period of adaptation. As i came to know that there's no visa for non-Europeans to complete supervised training fot optometrists in Ireland if CORU tells to do so. Is that true? Kindly, guide me i am literally stuck.
-@sidra Shaheen

Hi and welcome to the Forum.

CORU does not issue visas, they are an Irish Government-appointed regulatory body responsible for the "professional conduct, education, training and competence through statutory registration of health and social care professionals"; as a non-Irish qualified medical professional, you would go to them with your existing qualification and they would validate its authenticity.    As part of that process, CORU may impose a "Period of Adaptation" (also known as a "Compensation Measure") on your qualification, before they will let you practice your profession in Ireland; you can read about them on the Irish Government website; this link will take you straight to it.

So to begin the process, please follow this link which will take you to the Contact section of their website; this includes a phone number so you can phone and ask them specific questions.

I hope this helps.


Expat Team

sidra Shaheen

@Cynic Good evening,

Thank you so much for your response. Basically, I am seeking information regarding the visa for supervised training. I have gone through all the procedure of CORU recognition and have completed application but then i came to know that there's no visa for non-Europeans to apply for POA. what I mean by this is there is no visa by which I can travel to Ireland to complete POA. If you can get me in contact with any person who is working in Ireland as foreign optometrist.

I would be very grateful.



@Cynic Good evening,
Thank you so much for your response. Basically, I am seeking information regarding the visa for supervised training. I have gone through all the procedure of CORU recognition and have completed application but then i came to know that there's no visa for non-Europeans to apply for POA. what I mean by this is there is no visa by which I can travel to Ireland to complete POA. If you can get me in contact with any person who is working in Ireland as foreign optometrist.
I would be very grateful.
-@sidra Shaheen

Hi again.

I suspect you will need to find a job where they offer this type of training. Once you find the job, you will need to apply for a visa, you need to do this via the Irish Immigration Service. They have a website, this link will take you straight to it. My advice is you go to this link and follow the links it provides related to applying for a work visa.

I hope this helps.


Expat Team

Afternote - the link I gave was wrong, I've now updated it.

sidra Shaheen

@Cynic Hello, Yes I have to find a job to do POA and I have some practices who are able to accommodate me; however, the problem is, they told me that there's no visa which can support me to travel to Ireland for POA as i am non-European and also POA is considered part time.


@Cynic Hello, Yes I have to find a job to do POA and I have some practices who are able to accommodate me; however, the problem is, they told me that there's no visa which can support me to travel to Ireland for POA as i am non-European and also POA is considered part time.
-@sidra Shaheen

I've just checked; rightly or wrongly, your occupation does not appear on the Irish Government Critical Skills Occupations List (link); in your favour, neither is it in the Ineligible list (link). So by definition, it must be allowed under the General Employment Permits (link), where the first sentence says "In order to work in Ireland a non-EEA National, unless they are exempted, must hold a valid Employment Permit.", so the fact you are not an EU national is irrelevant, the legislation makes provision for these people, you are not a citizen of an EEA country.

So, who has told you there is no such visa?


Hello, I am looking for guidance  with my coru recognition  process. I had submitted the application  already. However I received  a mail from them saying to elaborate  on my placement , intership  duties. Now I have the information  with me bit don't know how to structure it. Kindly help me if any one has any sample of the form.


Hello, I am looking for guidance with my coru recognition process. I had submitted the application already. However I received a mail from them saying to elaborate on my placement , intership duties. Now I have the information with me bit don't know how to structure it. Kindly help me if any one has any sample of the form.

Hi and welcome to the website.

I suspect that you may not get a response to your request.

So a couple of suggestions;

  • Try LinkedIn and use that to reach out to your peers directly, or
  • The CORU website has examples of different types of supporting forms they use; this link will take you straight to them.  I suggest you check them and adapt/create your own.

I hope this helps.


Expat Team

sidra Shaheen

@Cynic yes i need to get general employment permit but for that salary threshold is very high and poa doesn't fit to get  general permit. I have been told by a lady who recruits for specsavers. Also members of many optometrist organisations have told me the same


@Cynic yes i need to get general employment permit but for that salary threshold is very high and poa doesn't fit to get general permit. I have been told by a lady who recruits for specsavers. Also members of many optometrist organisations have told me the same
-@sidra Shaheen

Hi again.

I agree with your comments, but you asked about CORU registration, hence my response.

I wish you the best of luck.

Hope this helps.


Expat Team



You can send it again please it is expired


You can send it again please it is expired

You can search for it here

Uchenna Nwaokenyere


My name is Jonadab. Please, I'm currently looking for a store to undergo my period of adaptation as a foreign optometrist in Ireland.

Please I'm open for any suggestions.

Kind regards

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