Anyone know an English speaking photographer in Budapest?

We are an American family looking for someone to take some outside family pictures in Budapest. Does anyone know someone who does a good job and would be willing to put them on a CD?

Hello florendakaye and welcome to!

Maybe that you should post an advert in Budapest classifieds > Jobs section, it may help.



I know a very good and profi photographer who can do outside family pictures and he can put it on CD. His name is Attila Ibos and his phone number is +3670 2318 303 his email You can some of his photos there unfortunately his official webpage is under construction.
His assistant speaks English or I can translate for you in free.
Good luck

my friend is Hungarian, but speaks English.
he said you can email him at
and check his website at

You can also try this chap who did some photos for us.

You can see his portfolio

He doesn't speak English very well but it's not really a problem. It's the result that counts. If you send us a PM, we'll tell him what's up.

Hi guys,

just a quick reminder: do not hesitate to recommend professionals you appreciate in the business directory ;)

Thanks !

I can recommend a very good one. She has worked a lot with foreign families living in Budapest. Colleagues of mine have used her and were very happy with the results.


We have one who I have used for everything to magazine photos, for celebrities and for the US Ambassador. He is incredibly motivating and gets photos you can not expect.
Please write me at *** for his details.
All the Best,

Wouw, great that there are so may good ones. Let me add one more who should definitely be on your list:
Images by Rajna They make great pictures (for instance they are the house photographer of BNI Hungary)and speak very good English. They are great with kids (also to take " action pictures" so not only the posed ones). You can check out their work at *** and contact them throug *** or***
Good luck,
Michel Daenen

Hey! My good friend is a professional photographer, her name is Dori. She has got good english as well. Do you need her details?

We have talked to a couple and are waiting to hear back from some. I guess I should have specified, in the US a lot of times photographers will do a session and then make you a CD or DVD with the photos and then give you a copyrite release so that you can print them yourself. We would still want some printed here but I am really wanting to not have to mail pictures home to the US because just mailing a CD or DVD to my mom and having her print them there would make me feel more at ease about them getting messed up in the mail or something. The CD or DVD usually runs about a hundred to two hundred US dollars because of them giving you the copyright relase. Does this make sense? Lol.

I have only just found this forum and stumbled across your thread, I am sure you have now fulfilled your requirements but if you need any help in the future I would be happy to help.  I am English by nationality and have lived in Rural Hungary for the last 3.5 years.

Werner is a very good photographer, he lives in Budapest but is in the USA working till mid December. He does most of the NEXT catolog pics. Go to you can email him from there. Hope this help you.


Russian and English speaking photographer: dariara

Hello. If you are ever looking for an English-speaking photographer again, I have recently relocated to Budapest and am available.

I recommend Patricia Verboci -

Hi danajardell & patrickstephens,

Welcome on board Danajardell :)

Please make sure to check the date before posting - the thread is dated 2011 and the last post is about one year ago  :dumbom:

Feel free to register yourself in the Budapest business directory please :)

Thank you


Thanks! I saw the date. Just wanted to offer my services anyway thinking they may need a photographer for something else. Apologies if that is not acceptable practice.

Hi danajardell,

Fret not ! Except like i mentioned above you can add your personal details in our Budapest business directory please :)

Much thanks


Why do these old threads keep being bumped on this forum? 

I keep getting emails in my inbox with these idle then reactivated threads with no new news.

fluffy2560 wrote:

Why do these old threads keep being bumped on this forum? 

I keep getting emails in my inbox with these idle then reactivated threads with no new news.

Someone posted an advertisement as a forum post. I saw it. Before the moderators could delete the post (you no longer see this ad now), it was sent out to those following the forum as a new post.

klsallee wrote:
fluffy2560 wrote:

Why do these old threads keep being bumped on this forum? 

I keep getting emails in my inbox with these idle then reactivated threads with no new news.

Someone posted an advertisement as a forum post. I saw it. Before the moderators could delete the post (you no longer see this ad now), it was sent out to those following the forum as a new post.

Ok, just spam.  There's been an upswing in these things.  Thanks for the answer.

fluffy2560 wrote:

Ok, just spam.  There's been an upswing in these things.  Thanks for the answer.

Which is why I, for one, really, really appreciate this is a well moderated site. Unlike so many other forums which are full of this type of spam.

Well there are plenty, you might wanna check or similar pages, where you can find packages and select photographers you like, or I can personally recommend this guy, Matt, who's done a good job on our fare last year, his site is

Hope this helps,

I am an English speaking photographer living in Budapest.
Contact me through my email if you need more information.

Moderated by Priscilla 6 years ago
Reason : Do not post your personal contact details on a public forum for your own security

I am looking for a job in photography and i want to make my career in this feild.please contact me
+36 XXX

Thank you
Rishabh jain

Moderated by Julien 4 years ago
Reason : for your own safety, please use the private message system to share your contact details
We invite you to read the forum code of conduct

Hello Rishabh,

Welcome to :)

You should rather post an advert in the dedicated Jobs in Budapest section. You are more likely to receive offers through an advert there.

Good luck,
