Best internet package to work from home

We get there next week in SD and we will be looking for a great package with heavy data like 200 G monthly minimum; any advice welcomed ! Gracias de antemano.

Have a look at StarLink

For long term I have  Altice Fiber optic in my office and at home.  Here, for long term,  its by bandwidth not download quantities. 

For long term I have Altice Fiber optic in my office and at home. Here, for long term, its by bandwidth not download quantities.

Claro now upgraded their internet Fiber optic plans, giving more speed and keeping same prices plus offering 100% fiber optic service. TheMax speed they offer is 300 mbps download and 75 mbps upload for 4,795.00 taxes included.

200 Gb its the limit for the internet plans, my guess is that for fiber optic plans that amount must change as you have very fast service,  I know Claro have blocked the 5G internet in cellphones and give access only to people that contract a 5G plan.

Are you renting or buying? Long-term or short-term? Apartment or villa?

If you're looking for a long-term solution and have the logistics for it, Starlink is the way to go! If you are only looking for something short-term or are renting, your options might be limited

In the capital  almost  no one uses starlink as claro and altice have  excellent coverage.  Its a logistical issue with  apt towers and  density too.