
Visa File Status Update


Hi, yesterday I checked ibz website, and my file got registered. I submitted my visa on 24th July.

Now it shows the status, "In behandeling". I want to ask how much time they'll take for the final decision? Any estimates?

My visa type is Family Reunification (40ter).

Any relevant experience and knowledge is appreciated.

Thank you!

See also

Work permit in BelgiumVisas for BelgiumThe Working Holiday Visa for BelgiumL card with PHD periodLost job but single permit still valid


Please can you send me the link you used in checking your status in the ibz pls


Upto 3-4 months. There are several threads in this forum about  this same topic.


    Upto 3-4 months. There are several threads in this forum about  this same topic.


They already took 1.5 months to register the file. Now 3-4 more months, that's sad.


I checked my visa status its processed can u tell how many more days will take & what it mean i got visa or not ? its family reunion with my husband my husband is in belgium


    I checked my visa status its processed can u tell how many more days will take & what it mean i got visa or not ? its family reunion with my husband my husband is in belgium


I'm not sure about that though. Can you please tell me how long did it take for your visa to be accepted after it was registered on the website?



I applied on May 10. Mine was registered in ibz on June 20 here i am still waiting. Good luck. Patience is the key.


I applied on May 10. Mine was registered in ibz on June 20 here i am still waiting. Good luck. Patience is the key.

    -@Nayan Lama

Oh, I see. Good luck.


I applied on 10 of august &  on 16 of August my visa file regitered on ibz belgium embassy now today i checked my visa status its processed


    I applied on 10 of august &  on 16 of August my visa file regitered on ibz belgium embassy now today i checked my visa status its processed


What do you mean by, "processed"?

Can you please send the picture here, please.



She means her file is  "in behandeling"

Processed means "in behandeling" in dutch.


@Nayan Lama what should i expect ? im in pakistan what it mean


@redazx can u tell me which documents u submitted


@oliviawilliam2020 mine applied 8 august, registered on10 august now is in a process


    @redazx can u tell me which documents u submitted


You have to refer to the website of Belgium Embassy in the country you are applying from. You'll find list of all the documents that are required for the visa process.



All we can do is wait now nothing else.



Has anyone gotten any feedback in these last days  for short term visa (marriage/ cohabitation visa) that was registe in Dofi beginning of August?


abbas Saab

@oliviawilliam2020 is it a student visa


@abbas Saab no its family reunification my husband is in belgium i am in pakistan

Hunny Bini

@oliviawilliam2020 hi olivia ,

i am also from pakistan and appiled for family reunion .. my husband is in belgium.

i applied on 11 August .


@Hunny Bini ok we can discuss in text

Hunny Bini

Any update ?? did any one get approval ?


@Hunny Bini

Non still waiting . I will complited 8 months in next two days ..

Hunny Bini

@dalvirsandy123 i think your sponsor should contact with some lawyer in belgium to push ur case ..


Applied on May and still waiting 😓😓


@Hunny Bini

But its clearly mentioned on ibz site that for non eu persons  the decision will be taken in 9 to 15 months.

So its not right time to talk with lawyers. That what i think .

In the end , Always hope to hear soon .



You're right my friend applied on January and she got visa for her husband on August. She is non eu. So i think it's to early for to take any actions. Even though you take once the visa is registered there is nothing you can do besides waiting. They do there job in there on way. I am also non eu so i am also waiting.


I got my visa accepted on 5th October <3

Thank you everyone for their responses.



In less than 3 months?




did it directly moved to approved state or was there any ask for pending information? for me its in treatment from 14th september.

Hunny Bini

@redazx congratulations


    I got my visa accepted on 5th October <3
Thank you everyone for their responses.




did it directly moved to approved state or was there any ask for pending information? for me its in treatment from 14th september.


Directly approved.


    @redazx congratulations

    -@Hunny Bini

Thank you!

Hunny Bini

Any update on August files ??

Hunny Bini

@oliviawilliam2020 hi any update of your visa ??


I got approved 17/11


@Victoria93 congratulations and I tap into this testimony


@Victoria93 Congrats, when did you submit? and how long you waited?

Hunny Bini

Any update on August files .. ??