Happy Chinese National Day - and: Travelling by Train


Happy Chinese National Day!

So... would you like to travel in the coming days off?

China Railway is inexpensive and safe.

And Chinese train stations are easy to find if you know the e-mail address: You can use email2address to show a taxi card to your taxi driver (bus driver, bypasser).

The e-mail addresses of Chinese train stations are derived from the Pinyin code, which usually consists of the first letters of the characters written in Pinyin and the ending @crec.cn . (The Pinyin code can also be used to enter a station's name at the China Railway homepage or at the ticket-selling machine.)

I will list some names and e-mail addresses in my next post.

Best regards,


Here is a list of the train stations that came to my mind. (All places that I have visited...)

Feel free to PM me if you can't find the address of a train station (or anywhere else you want to go).

Beijing Central Train Station     bji@crec.cn

Beijing East Train Station     bjd@crec.cn

Beijing North Train Station     bjb@crec.cn

Beijing South Train Station     bjn@crec.cn

Beijing West Train Station     bjx@crec.cn

Changchun Train Station     cch@crec.cn

Chengdu Train Station     cdu@crec.cn

Chongqing Central Train Station     cq@crec.cn

Chongqing North Train Station     cqb@crec.cn

Chongqing South Train Station     cqn@crec.cn

Dalian Train Station     dli@crec.cn

Fuzhou Train Station     fzh@crec.cn

Guangzhou Central Station     gzh@crec.cn

Guangzhou East Train Station     gzd@crec.cn

Guangzhou South Station     gzn@crec.cn

Guangzhou West Train Station     gzx@crec.cn

Guiyang Train Station     gy@crec.cn

Hangzhou Central Train Station     hzh@crec.cn

Hangzhou East Train Station     hzd@crec.cn

Hankou Train Station     hk@crec.cn

Hefei Central Train Station     hf@crec.cn

Hefei West Train Station     hfx@crec.cn

Kunming Train Station     km@crec.cn

Kunshan South Train Station     ksn@crec.cn

Linzi Train Station     lz@crec.cn

Longjia Airport Train Station     lj@crec.cn

Nanchang Train Station     nc@crec.cn

Nanjing Central Train Station     nj@crec.cn

Nanjing South Train Station     njn@crec.cn

Ningde Train Station     nd@crec.cn

Qingdao Train Station     qd@crec.cn

Shanghai Hongqiao Railway Station     shq@crec.cn

Shanghai Train Station     sh@crec.cn

Shanghai West Station     shx@crec.cn

Shenzhen Train Station     sz@crec.cn

Shenzhen West Train Station     szx@crec.cn

Suzhou Central Train Station     szh@crec.cn

Suzhou West Train Station     szhx@crec.cn

Wuchang Train Station     wc@crec.cn

Wulumuqi Train Station     wlq@crec.cn

Xi'an North Train Station     xab@crec.cn

Xi'an Train Station     xan@crec.cn

Xiamen North Train Station     xmb@crec.cn

Xiamen Train Station     xme@crec.cn

Xiangyang Train Station     xya@crec.cn