
Allowed dog breed


I see in the rules around dog breeds allowed, I have 2 miniature bull terriers and I wanted to know if they were allowed. If there’s a size type requirement or if it’s literally those specific ones, says mix of those breeds and mine are pure bred registered mini bull terriers.

“The following breeds and their mixes cannot be imported to Mauritius: American Pit Bull Terrier, American Staffordshire Terrier, Blue Nose Pit Bull, Boerboel, Dogo Argentino, Fila Brasileiro, Japanese Tosa, Red Nose Pit Bull and Staffordshire Terrier.”

if anyone has some kind of experience or know where to find this out.


See also

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@NeilSteven Apparently this applies to any dogs with word 'bull' or 'terrier'. They probably will not allow them in - it is apparently because they are brachycephalic. You could try getting vet to certify them non-brachycephalic.


@AussieInMauritius  there are many breeds who are 'terriers' .There cannot be a blanket ban on all terriers. Australian terriers, Yorkshire Terriers, to name just 2. The best way woud be to contact the authorities directly to find out.


@Tookays It is only non-brachycephalic pure breeds of certain breeds they let in & you need all types of certificates & papers for them. Pet travel immigration site for Mauritius gives more info. It is long & complicated process I tried. It is best to get a professional pet moving company. Even if you get everything required, the dogs can get rejected here & sent back.  Apparently the brachycephalic thing is because several dogs with this breath issue have died on planes - leading to litigation.