
Oman teacher visa



I recently got offer from an international school Oman. I accepted the offer and sent all attested documents to HR.

How long does it take for Ministry of education Approval and the ministry of labour approval?

See also

General visa requirements for OmanHow to get passport and visa for a newborn in OmanMedical related latest updated requiredWork Visa with Endoresee 2AWant to travel to India from Oman

Hello hamzaswati08,

Welcome to 1f601.svg

I hope one of our fellow members will be generous enough to share their personal experiences with us.

Please keep us updated on your progress. We would be delighted to hear from you.

All the best,

Cheryl team



No worries. Best of luck for your future success.

Sending contract letter isn't a guarantee of job. It is how fast HR pursues it and how urgently school needs your services.

Visa issuance is purely subjected to approval of ROP-Oman and Ministry of Labor. It can be done with in 5 minutes, after HR provides them all paperwork and fee.

If you need any future help,  you can. provide me the required info. , then I will be able to guide you accordingly on every step. which can surely help you.

1. Highest Grade offered by the School like Grade 10 or IB or O-Levels and your subject for which job is offered? It can help to know when school really needs your services.

2. From where your degrees are attested from SSC till last Degree? Like IBCC, HEC, MOFA or not? If some attestation is missing, can guide you .

3. Traveling alone or with family? Kids and age? It can help to provide you better idea about expenses.

4. Is the school offering you accommodation and transportation to and fro? Kids education?

5. City for Job? If Muscat,it's a bit costly.

Please don't pay any money to anyone on any step, for this process. It's easy to do it by yourself.




I got approval from MOE Oman.