Marital deduction

Hello all,

So as you might know, if you are married and have children, you will get a marital deduction on your salary hence your net salary will increase a lot (in case your spouse doesn't work)

My question is, if I am married and have a child but they are not accompanying me in Belgium and stayed in our home country, will I be considered as single with no net salary increase?

If so, although I will be the only resident in my address to be registered in commune, if I also give them my marriage certificate etc... can I make my marriage recognized and benefit from marital deduction?

Thank you

For me it was considered married and paid less taxes


Did you have to object to tax agency? Did they consider you as non resident?

@quebecois1905bro it only considered when you family are with you together in belgium them you can  get an increase in salary when your wife is not working , if they are here then it fine but if there are still in your home country  not possible but you can still submit the marriage certificate and later bring them in,,, hope it ok for what am trying to say….

@Shawn Richard Sarfo

Now i am confused ;)

do you think it is possible to add this marriage to civil registry and make objection to tax agency?

@quebecois1905 i dont know much but the little idea that i have, yes you can add or submit the marriage certificate so your families names will be in the record's so that in the future bringing them to live with you , will not be too stressful , it will only be in records but the family tax that am not sure but what i know is when the family here then there is a tax level for the family too

Ok here is real experience, I moved to Belgium in 2018 and my wife joined me in Belgium in 2020 and then our marriage was registered in Belgium, after getting my marriage registered I got big amount back in tax return for the time I was living alone as i.e for 2018-2019 as all those years I was married but was paying tax as much as a single. So thechnically you will get the tax back for the pas months also when you register your marriage in Belgium or your spause join you.