New members of the Bulgaria forum, introduce yourselves here - 2024

Hello and welcome

I dont know of anyone in Pavel but there are plenty of expats in the villages around Polski Trambesh.

The weekly market on Wednesdays in Polski Trambesh brings a good number in.

I am in Klimentovo about 3km from Polski Trambesh, a nice walk in good weather.

Hi everyone, I'm looking to buy something to renovate that is near Veliko Tarnovo. I am living and working in Bucharest and would be interested in finding people who are driving down to Bulgaria from Bucharest at weekends and holidays who would like to carshare to save on costs and for some company. Would be great to meet other people taking the leap!

I am traveling soon to Sofia and I am very interested to learn the language   I appreciate any information on a native Bulgarian who is interested in provide private lessons.



Moderated by Cheryl 4 months ago
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Hello jazocar,

Welcome to  1f600.svg

You should post an advert in the Bulgaria classified ads where you will find a dedicated category for language classes.

When are you planning on moving to Bulgaria?


Cheryl team


Given up on Romania already? 1f609.svg

I finally bought a house here in Bulgaria last year and have just started on my first 90 days of living in this beautiful country. I'm here to really get a feel for how life would be for us long-term.

So far, I'm having a good time exploring the surroundings when it doesn't rain and getting to know the local culture, which has been really fab so far. A recent tick bite was quite a scare so I've been reading about some of the local critters we need to be aware of. 

I'll need to tackle some house repairs soon. But right now we're focusing on getting our bearings and taking some time to settle in.

@ruby_hosh Do hope everything goes well for you here in Bulgaria and welcome!  If you need any help or advice, just shout 😊

@Julien hi, i'm pat, l am planning to move to varna area this year,  I've  visited a few times and so am sticking to that area! will rent at first, i'm retirIng there with my 3 dogs.

@buckleyps Just to let you know, I'm also in Varna, so anything you need to know, for need help with, just message me 😊.


That is brilliant, thank you.

Hello Everyone:

I am Jeanne. My husband, Karl and I are hoping to move to Bulgaria in 2026.  We have two children, both still minors. 

My husband and I are in our 50's.  We were looking to move to Europe in 2018 and our plans were derailed for awhile with Covid and then inflation and family emergencies. 

We are here to get some information, hopefully meet some future friends and help others where we can.

Hello spacelizard68,

Welcome to 1f600.svg

I encourage you to read the Living in Bulgaria guide for expats, which contains several articles on various topics.

If you have any questions, feel free to start a new thread on the Bulgaria forum to discuss them with other members.

All the best,

Cheryl team

Hi guys!

I think im in the right place.

my name is Dan myself and my partner are looking to buy a house in the north area 25km from  VRATSA as a holiday home but hopeful to stay longer periods.

we have set our company up and are ready to view our pick three houses.

were both hairdressers so would love to make some connections and maybe we can help some of you guys back when we settle.

would be amazing to grab any kind of information


Dan & Joe 


Hi julien.

hope your well! we fly out the start of june to secure our business and home.

you would be great to know.


Hi Cheryl and THANK YOU for that information.  I think I'll grab a bowl of popcorn and start reading :)


    Hi all,Newbie on the Bulgaria forum? Don't know how to start?This thread is for you We invite you to introduce yourself on this topic, to share with us your expat story if you are already living in the country, or to tell us more on your expat projects in Bulgaria if you are planning to move there.It will enable us to help you better but above all to wish you a warm welcome.Welcome on board!

    -@JulienHi all expats. I'm Graeme currently living the the UK with my partner Elena. Me being English and Elena Russian. We are coming up to our 60's and find the UK is increasingly going to the dogs in all ways. Sad but true. We have been talking about relocating for some time and are looking at the possibilities of Bulgaria. This is quite daunting for us both but feel the need to get out of the UK and enjoy our later years.We both love the thought of plovdiv and places like that. We both enjoy architecture and are looking forward to our plovdiv visit at the end of June. We would love to meet any expats in the area and discuss the possibilities of our move. We are looking for maybe a house that has an apartment attached to fun a little b&b. Obviously with a workshop and grounds as I keep bees. Any and all information and help would be greatly appreciated.Thanks in advance.

Hi Graeme! It sounds like Bulgaria could offer what you want, and probably the first thing to consider is how you'll get your long-stay visa to move there.

At present, non-EU citizens (certainly Brits and I think Russians too, though Elena would need to check that) can stay 90 days per 180 without a visa. Longer stays or a permanent move needs a D visa, the first step to apply for residency. If either of you have already retired and have a pension that's more than around 500 EUR a month you would qualify under the retiree visa, but if not, you will need to check what other grounds you might qualify on.

Good luck with your Bulgarian adventure!


Hi Julien,

As residents in Varna city we only just see your forum. If there are any clubs / meeting groups etc just add us on the mailing lists.

All the best



Thanks for your reply.

At present we both work.


In that case you will need to look at the other grounds to apply for a D visa. Unfortunately Bulgaria doesn't have a digital nomad or proof-of-income visa like some other EU countries do. If you do an online search for D visa for Bulgaria, there will be a link to the website of an immigration lawyer who provides some useful information (I won't link directly as links need to be moderated).

The best option for working age people to get a D visa is generally Trade Representative Overseas, where a non-Bulgarian registered company in good standing (two years worth of tax returns) applies for you to represent them in Bulgaria. We have a house in Bulgaria and are considering trying that to move sooner rather than waiting to retire.


I'm a huge Plovdiv fan, and I'll be around most of June. Please feel free to drop me a message if you want to discuss the delights of Bulgaria's 2nd city and former European Capital of Culture.

If you want to buy a house in Plovdiv, you might be able to qualify for your D visa by investment (300k euros, approximately, in property). There are some timing and documentation rules, but I believe it's pretty straightforward to qualify this way, as long as the amount invested is sufficient. It can also be in more than one property (e.g. one to live in, one for rental income).

Plovdiv prices have really gone up a lot, so to get a nice house and a separate rental property might be a significant chunk of change.


Thanks for the information. I will message you before we go.

Our dates are 30th June to the 4th July.

@Kris Star

Welcome on board !

I hope that the transition from Canada was a smooth one.

Feel free to discover what other members have posted on the Plovdiv forum

All the best


@Kris Star

good choice, our daughter lives in Nova Scotia and believes Canada is finished, we will never visit again as the danger of getting stuck there is too great.

Welcome to BG and this group, we like Plovdiv its our first choice for air travel, we always pop into the singer restaurant when collecting people from the airport

hi Im john looking at a bit retirement preparation by buying an apartment and a small holding to do up around the sunny beach/ burgas area.

    Thank you! @roywebb58 I agree strongly with your daughter. The current environment is too volatile and turbulant for regular folks to survive in Canada.         -@Kris Star

"Too volatile and turbulent" - seriously?  I guess that geography isn't your strong suit; ***

Moderated by Cheryl 3 months ago
Reason : Too political
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Hello there everyone,

I bought a house not far from sofia, and finally I manage to find a British who does construction.

he has been living in Bulgaria for the last 7 years and very reliable honest and hard worker.

    Hello there everyone,
I bought a house not far from sofia, and finally I manage to find a British who does construction.
he has been living in Bulgaria for the last 7 years and very reliable honest and hard worker.


Good to hear it: what's he built for you - and how much did he charge you?

Hello Jim,

he didn't build anything yet but help me with small task which was difficult for me to do from a different country, yet he succeeded in fulfilling this and solve it with his connections around my house.

and yes he will be doing the labor quiet soon, and has a local translator who works with him as well.


very good guy and professional as well.

Moderated by Bhavna 2 months ago
Reason : Please share contact details and names in private
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    Hello Jim,
he didn't build anything yet but help me with small task which was difficult for me to do from a different country, yet he succeeded in fulfilling this and solve it with his connections around my house.
and yes he will be doing the labor quiet soon, and has a local translator who works with him as well.
very good guy and professional as well.



With the greatest of respect, your glowing testimonial appears to so far be built on sand. I know nothing about this guy, not even his name, but do be careful about "builders" in Bulgaria: after 20 years here, renovating two houses and three apartments, I've yet to find a single skilled and reliable tradesmen, of any nationality, that I'd recommend even to my worst enemy. You may have been extraordinarily lucky in finding this paragon but do tread carefully - there's no shortage of chancers and bodgers looking for the next victim to fleece; some of them have even been known to pretend to be their own satisfied clients. I've used "tradesmen" who were highly recommended, but still turned out to be unable to price a job properly, lazy and totally incompetent. The greatest skills a client needs is to be always on the qv, and to know when to kick a bodger off a job before he's done too much damage to your property or pocket....

I do understand the frustrations and the struggle we all go through, but nevertheless we should not give away hope over certain situation or toxic people.

I have spent 2 month  in a guest house and yes  during that time I found a house with a big plot and had some help through the owner of a guest house.

they helped with documents and running back and forth yet they kept me longer cause they needed more money out of rent hhhh

they gave me a wrecked car and asked me to repair it so that I could use it during my stay.

I took it to the garage they spoke in their language the price started in 1000 Leva then 2 days after the garage said 2000 Leva.

they see you as an ATM machine and try to squeeze you as if I wasn't aware either in notary office, Accountant office, and so and so...

HI folks.

Been looking to splitt my time between Norway and Bulgaria for a few years now, and finaly, my disability pension and holdings in back in norway is sorta lining up. Been here for a few weeks now and absolutly fell in love with the place!

As a first stepp, im looking to rent a standard flatt in Varna and take it from there.

Thanks for the Bulgaria articles.


Oh and expect this forum MN managers to send you loads of unsolicited emails.

@Sigvard Welcome Sigvard,

My wife and I own five properties in Varna - two apartments, two garages and a parking space.  If you need any advice, just shout.

Ian and Tatyana

Counting garages and parking spaces as "properties", while technically correct, rather smacks of hyperbole, don't you think? 1f609.svg

@JimJ I believe Ian rents the garages out and makes return on his investment in them, so it doesn't seem unreasonable to count them. Also, if they're on individual titles (I think he mentioned buying them separately from the apartments), the notary probably counted them as separate properties, too.


I'm sure that's the case: we bought several garage spaces in a closed complex where we also had an apartment as an initial home/investment; the spaces were more expensive, and productive, per square metre than the apartment.  As I said, technically they are indeed "properties" - but I certainly wouldn't call them that if I were describing my portfolio.  It's just a personal preference, but to me it sounds rather showy, but no doubt others would see it differently...either way, it's not of any real importance. 1f642.svg

@JimJ I'm fine with letting people claim their bragging rights wherever they can. Ian has done well building up his portfolio, and I wouldn't take that away from him. He's made far wiser choices than anyone who listened to the estate agents suggesting tumbledown village houses as good additions to an investment portfolio!

Interesting that you've found the parking spaces a better investment. I'd wondered about that (for when we sell our small UK house and I will be looking to invest a modest sum), and they'd be far lower maintenance than an apartment that tenants can trash, too.


They're a good investment, especially in city complexes - the only problem is that they're rarer than hen's teeth and cost a pretty penny these days. An apartment with a garage/underground parking space fetches top dollar whether you're selling or also need to have some means of handling "squatters"; you'd be surprised how common, and persistent, they are!

I can imagine!