Maslarevo and Orehovitsa

Good Morning Everyone,

I'm a newbie here and have loads of questions, but I'll kick off with just one. Does anyone have any information on Maslarevo or Orehovitsa i.e, what it's like to live in those places? I've looked on Youtube and on estate agents' sites and gleaned a bit of information but there's no substitute for insider info from someone who lives in either of those places.

I'm retired and looking to buy a property in Bulgaria, initially as a holiday home. I've lived abroad 15 years in France - before, so I'm aware of some of the problems that could befall someone living abroad, but some of my subsequent posts will reveal a few of my concerns with regard to Bulgaria.

By the way, are the estate agents over there a bit tardy? I've been trying to set up some viewings prior to booking flights, hotels, car hire etc., but it's been like getting blood out of a stone.



First of all, there are no "estate agents" in Bulgaria - the whole industry is unregulated and there are only property brokers, who can set up, and shut down, shop as and when they feel like it.  Pirating property listings from other brokers' sites is commonplace.  It's also common to find that they don't bother replying to emails; luckily, almost everyone in BG uses the Viber app, so download that on your mobile and add the brokers you're interested in to your Contacts.  You can then make free voice and video call, send and receives files etc.

Be VERY careful: there's fraud and skulduggery galore out there, so never let your guard down, regardless of how honest/trustworthy etc someone may appear.  There's no comeback against lawyers or notaries either, so check EVERYTHING very carefully.

Lastly, don't be put off by anything above: it's perfectly possible to find and buy your dream home if you don't allow yourself to get carried away by your own enthusiasm!

PS You're more likely to get responses to emails now the holiday season is tailing off and the brokers are coming back from the Greek beaches with empty pockets and bellies..... 1f60e.svg

There are a few members here who live in the region north of Veliko Tarnovo and up nearer the Danube, so hopefully they'll reply! There are also quite a few Facebook groups for that general area where you may make more local contacts.

I found when we were looking that as Jim says, a lot of so-called agents just scrape other sites and have no link to the property owner at all. Many properties stay online for years after they are sold. Many more properties don't sell but are still online with very outdated photos that are unlikely to resemble the current state of the property. Also, the definition of "near" seems very flexible in website descriptions. Places described as "near" a city or town can turn out to be 30km or more away. A "twenty minute drive" for an estate agent may be closer to twice that for most other drivers.

There are some agents who are good and responsive, others who never seem to reply. If you have a mobile phone number for them, Viber is definitely more useful for making contacts than email or texts.

Villages vary a lot, even villages very close to each other can be totally different in character and facilities. Some have issues that might make then less desirable places to live and there's no substitute for actually going there and seeing for yourself. OTOH, I bought our place online on ebay without seeing it, in a part of Bulgaria we'd never gone anywhere near in six previous visits, and love the village and the region. But that was Providence rather than good management!