Medical insurance

Hi everyone.  What does everyone do for private

medical insurance in colombia?  I'll be 63 when I make the move and am in good health.  Just trying to get everything in order.  Thanks in advance

You may be putting the cart before the horse, if you have already decided to move to and reside in Colombia without knowing what medical insurance requirements and options are.

But this link will explain some of it.  It is in upheaval and subject to change, especially for foreigners: … lombia.php

The good news is you can easily stay for up to 180 days without making any committments you can't change.  After 183 days total in country in any 365 day period, you become a fiscal resident subject to paying Colombia income taxes.


Thanks for the link, I should have been clearer and was curious about private insurance

That is an extremely complicated subject I dont want to get into on this site

I spent enoough time on another site discussing it.

Medicina prepagada you will pay 600 mil to 800 mil per month  at 63  but it will jump by 25 to 30% at 65.

@nico peligro Sura will give you medicina in your 60s, depending on the agent  but others ( most) will not

Also, if you eventually do get a pensionada visa, legally, by visa rules, you cannot enroll in EPS, allthough some providers may enroll  you anyway.

It gets a lot more complicated from here on.

183 in 365 is true for US citizens, but not for all nationalities, depending on tax treaty with Colombia and other specific conditions.

    183 in 365 is true for US citizens, but not for all nationalities, depending on tax treaty with Colombia and other specific conditions.

    -@nico peligro

Tax treaties do hold sway for some nationalities - but no matter the country, DIAN says quite clearly that you are still considered a fiscal resident with more than 183 in 365.  And you may still have to file a return, but maybe not pay anything - they don't just take your word for it, you need to prove it with paperwork. … arios.aspx

Se consideran residentes en Colombia para efectos tributarios las personas naturales que cumplan con cualquiera de las siguientes condiciones:

Permanecer continua o discontinuamente en el país por más de 183 días calendario, incluyendo días de entrada y salida del país, durante un periodo cualquiera de 365 días calendario consecutivos, en el entendido de que cuando la permanencia continua o discontinua en el país recaiga sobre más de un año o periodo gravable se considerará que la persona es residente a partir del segundo año o periodo gravable.  (other conditions follow)

Its more complicated than that. If you are deemed a tax resident of another country by a treaty, obviously you dont have to fill out a a declaración de renta in Colombia.

US residents residing in México who have physical residents  in the US ( or Europe, most countries) and recieve all their income from the US are Tax resdents in the US no matter how long they are in México in a year.

There are some countries that have the same deal with Colombia through tax treaties, eg Canada.