
Can I ship my a 2014 Jaguar Ftype it's older than 5 years of age


I have a 2014 Jaguar Ftype ,  I'm moving to Dominican Republic and I do not want to leave my car in the states , is there any way  possible I can ship my car to DR.  I was told that a use car cannot be older than 5 years old.

See also

Driving in the Dominican RepublicDrivers licenseUS airlines and checked luggageBUYING A VEHICLE IN DRWhat is the motorcycle culture in the DR ?


You can, but there are large, substantial penalties that make the end cost just not worth it. Often the fees, taxes, duties and penalties are more than a vehicles worth, duties alone can be up to 20% of the car's value. Also, buying a used car in the DR will cost 25-30% more than in the U.S.

I was told once, if you're over 70 years old and receiving social security it's extended to 9 years, however you would need to confirm that.  Hope this helps!


No you cannot import a vehicle over 5 years old unless it's considered antique!  2014 doesn't qualify.


This is such BS considering the delapid


What fees can one avoid if one has a cedula and ships a 2011 Ford Ranger Truck?



know what? it's their country. 

they get to decide what goes.  they make the rules.

foreigners know what their option is.



if you attempt to ship in a 2011 you will be avoiding all the fees, because it cannot be done.


5 years on most vehicles.  Period. Rules are not changing cause you don't like them.


@cruffman really?  I thought I read for trucks there was a 15 year time frame with age of the vehicle.



you read wrong. 5 years.




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Harris Levinson

@ddmcneill i used to have a 2016 F-Type (V8 convertible). Sold it not long ago as we downsized our US home to a condo and have no good place to keep it charged during the winter as it did not get driven in poor weather.


@planner Do you know the reasoning behind this rule on 5 year age limit for importing a vehicle?

It seems this rule attempts to bring down import of vehicle because if you want to import a vehicle you must have a free and clear title to the vehicle and most vehicles are financed when purchased. So the 5 year limit is sending a clear message, if you can't afford to buy a car without financing it then you can not import it. Only the well to do are allowed to import their vehicles.

Is this a fair estimation? 


There are enough old beaters on Dominican roads to start with...the government does not want to see people ringing in 10 year old jalopies


The issue is this island is full of old beat up vehicles. We don't need more.

Papito NL

Ironically with the high price of these young imports many old beaters now have enough economic value left to not scrap them.


@planner If that is the issue, then the law should be re-visited and ammended to reflect exactly what you mention - old beat-up vehicles are prohibited to import. Many people have older vehicles which are well maintained, in those numbers include vehicles with very low millage and look and drive very well.

Maybe the 5 year age limit rule should be amended and replaced. Here are my thoughts on the matter.

Just like the residency application requires a medical exam so should vehicles considered for importation require a exam as well. If you don't pass the medical exam, you are not allowed residency and so same should apply to vehicles importation. A pass or fail test. Simple and easy. The vehicle must meet the mechanical, structural, electrical and safety standards of the day. If the vehicle meets these standards, it should be allowed importation with the certification documents of governing body authorized by the department of transportation of the DR. or Aduanas, or whom ever the governing body maybe.

Is this even possibllity?  I don't know how the laws are passed or amended in the DR.

Any thoughts? Please share. 


very true...


I think the logistics make it impossible. We can't even get vehicles inspected here for safety issues. If they did that many of these junk vehicles would be off the road.


@planner You make a very good point. When there is a will there will always be a way. To make a win-win for all concerned, the focus is on vehicle importation only. We don't want to disturb what is already there. Little baby steps is all it takes and momentum takes over.


I would think the DR government has no interest in changing the laws regarding importing cars.  They clearly make more money from the current system, or they would change it to follow the money.  Plenty of tax collected from every new and used car sold, versus the occasional import of a vehicle.

This is a guess, of course, I am not involved in that world at all, but what government doesn't try to get the most money they can?


Yes, of course. It all boils down to the money it can collect. No argument there.