
Brazil Ordinary Naturalization


Hello everyone

I have question about my situation for ordinary naturalization.

I briefly describe my case:

1 - My Child born in brazil

2- Three month later me and my wife got brazil RNM card.

3- Two month later we travel abroad for 18 months.

4- Now we return to brazil

My question is, if I stay in Brazil for one year, can I get Brazilian citizenship through ordinary naturalization?

See also

Work permits for BrazilThe Working Holiday Visa for BrazilGeneral visa requirements for BrazilDigital Nomad Visa RenewalRush Appointment for Federal Polícia?

02/15/24    Hello everyoneI have question about my situation for ordinary naturalization.I briefly describe my case:1 - My Child born in brazil 2- Three month later me and my wife got brazil RNM card.3- Two month later we travel abroad for 18 months.4- Now we return to brazilMy question is, if I stay in Brazil for one year, can I get Brazilian citizenship through ordinary naturalization?        -@alirkhorshid

Yes.  Stay in Brazil for one continuous year after your return from your 18 month trip, and you should be able to apply for naturalization with no major difficulties, as long as your documents are up-to-date and in order,  and you can prove capability in Portuguese through the CelpeBras exam or other approved method.  If you need to travel abroad briefly just before you apply in order to obtain updated documents, that should not be held against you.

Before requesting Brazilian citizenship, you and your wife should understand what impact, if any, being naturalized in Brazil will have on your current citizenship.  Many countries permit dual or multiple citizenship, but some do not.


@alirkhorshid is your wife brazilian?

Since your child was born in brazil and is a citizen, you can apply for citizenship after one year. You will need to take a language exam. If your wife is not from brazil, I think she might have to take the language test too but others can advise you better.

Shahbaz Shaikh786

I have been searching about the naturalization and will be doing it soon. So for the language test there is ceple brass and the other option is to take a course and certification equivalent to that from a government recognised university or education firm. Fala brasil is one I found is from Rio, but they are charging 146 reais for 1 HR online session. You have to take 18 hrs or class or more depending on your proficiency level but for me the amount is too much so I will be taking it later or may be will search more for others. In case you want here is the email I'd for that... All the best. Will be keeping you updated if I got more information


02/15/24   . Fala brasil is one I found is from Rio, but they are charging 146 reais for 1 HR online session. You have to take 18 hrs or class or more depending on your proficiency level but for me the amount is too much so I will be taking it later or may be will search more for others. In case you want here is the email I'd for that... All the best. Will be keeping you updated if I got more information

    -@Shahbaz Shaikh786

You're correct:  the 18 hour course does claim to provide a certificate that can be used in place of the CelpeBras certificate for naturalization purposes.  Their CelpeBras prep course is 12 hours and R$1000 less, but the student would still have to take and pass CelpeBras.  Tough decision.  Best of luck to you!


Thank you for your response. Me and my wife are not Brazilian and both of us should have a language certificate.



I read some stuff on the site. It has worried me a lot, so I am posting the link for you. … leira/view

Ausências do território nacional

As viagens esporádicas do naturalizando ao exterior cuja soma dos períodos de duração não ultrapassem o período de 12 (doze) meses não impedirão o deferimento da naturalização ordinária

Absences from national territory

Sporadic trips abroad by the naturalized person whose total duration does not exceed 12 (twelve) months will not prevent the granting of ordinary naturalization


02/15/24 @alifkhoshid.  I don't think that you have anything to worry about.  The text you quoted is one of the things that I had in mind when I responded to your question.  Here's how I see your situation:

  • since you were out of Brazil for less than two years, you did NOT endanger your residency in any way;
  • since you WERE out of Brazil for 18 months, you lost any "credit" toward the time you need in Brazil for naturalization for the first two months after you received your CRNMs, so
  • the "clock" for naturalization started again for you on the day you returned to Brazil.  You and your wife can apply for naturalization as early as a year after that day -- as long as you don't leave Brazil again for any longer than three months maximum.




Thank you very much .