Dangriga Town Pros & Cons


I am about to finalize a property purchase along Hummingbird Highway before Dangriga. Does any Expat or potential Retiree have some trustworthy info Good and Bad about that highway stretch, the villages along that highway and Dangriga itself? Highly appreciated. BTW skip your favourite restaurants, bars or Churches & Schools......I have a good idea what my culinary palet likes. Thank you for information about.

@travelbeat have you been to the area?

Dangriga is known for being the center of Garifuna culture. The population is primarily of Garifuna descent and has kept many of their African musical and religious traditions. There is a strong tradition of punta rock music, drumming, Garifuna heritage celebrations, and it hosts a large bike race each year.

That's very interesting facts, thanks. As a "musician" myself I am game for such culture. I was in Africa for a brief time, also some slave descent cultures on the ABC Islands reflected a lot of African culture. That's good news.

Dangriga is not a tourist town so it is quieter. It is coinvent with lots shops, banks, and government offices. I live at Sittee River and goes Dangriga weekly for shopping and other things. Nothing bad to say about it.

@CocoHer Thank you very much, that's exactly what I was looking for. Learned also the culture in that community suits me. I am a musician and love strong Native music. I am sure I will be enjoying it. No party or beach bum.