Hi, there are some other threads covering this topic which I will link below. But as those threads grew larger, some basics might be difficult to find so I will cover them here.
The digital nomad residence permit application is all online. You will upload digital (scanned) copies of all documents.
Applying for Digital Nomad Residence Permit within Brazil.
CPF and gov.br account: You will need to have CPF and create an account on gov.br with it: https://www.gov.br/pt-br/servicos/criar … nta-gov.br
(If you don't have a CPF yet, please search the forum for more information)
MigranteWeb: You login to Migranteweb > Cadastrar Processo >
1.1 Residencia
1.2 Outras Atividades Sem Vinculo Empregaticio
1.3 Resolucao 45/2021
1.4 Prazo: 1 Ano
2.3 - 2.13 Your data
2.20 - 2.22 Leave blank, unless someone else is applying on your behalf.
2.26 Documents to attach on this page:
Doc 1:Anexo I Form - Find at the end of this pdf https://portaldeimigracao.mj.gov.br/ima … E_2021.pdf
Doc 2: GRU Payment Proof - Fill in the form via following link, create a boleto, pay it at a bank and upload the payment proof https://servicos.dpf.gov.br/gru2/gru?nac=1&rec=9 (Codigo Receita STN: 140066, for residence permit application)
Procuracao - Leave blank, unless someone else is applying on your behalf
3.1 - 3.28 Your data
3.29 Documents to attach on this page:
Doc 3: Criminal Records:
- Two separate criminal check documents from Brazil, obtained online, according to the state you are in via this list: https://www.gov.br/pf/pt-br/assuntos/im … -criminais
- Criminal Checks apostilled from your home country (or the ones you lived in last five years), apostilled at home, oficially translated into Portuguese in Brazil.
Doc 4: Passport
Doc 5: Birth Certificate - Apostilled at home country, translated in Brazil. You don't need this if your parents full name/surname are available on your passport.
Doc 6: Declaration for Criminal Records - https://www.gov.br/pf/pt-br/assuntos/im … o.pdf/view
Doc 7: Declaration for Remote Work - You prepare this yourself
Doc 8: Work Contract - Translate into Portuguese
Doc 9: Income Proof/Bank Records - Translated into Portuguese
For people who are applying for the first time within Brazil, here is the main thread covering most questions: https://www.expat.com/forum/viewtopic.php?id=977116
For renewals, this is the main thread: https://www.expat.com/forum/viewtopic.php?id=1030888
After you submit your application, it will take a month or two to get a response. When you application is accepted (Deferido), you will make another payment and prepare a separate document list, and visit Policia Federal - follow this post for details for Step 2:
https://www.expat.com/forum/viewtopic.p … 81#5754703