Has anyone recently relocated to germany after Covid?

Has anyone cleared interviews without face to face interviews from their hometown

Job interviews via videoconference were already common before Covid, and are probably even more so now - at least for a first screening. German bosses are often conservative and risk-avoiding (as the consequences of hiring the wrong person are huge, due to tight rules for firing employees), so a subsequent in-person appointment is common - and this benefits the job-seeker too, as he/she can get a first-hand impression of the company amd the surrounding town.

Yes, such cases are quite possible. With the advancement of technology and the rise of remote work, many companies are offering interview options via video or even telephone. In some cases, especially for remote assignments or intra-company transfers, formal attendance for an interview is not required. Mainly, confidence in success and convincing the employer of his skills and qualifications, regardless of the form of the interview.