My Experience Getting a Retirement Visa

US Citizen 2 week trip presently and returning in May for one month

  1. I was able to obtain a non-O, 90 day visa through the Washington DC embassy.  I was shocked that they issued that to me without being in Thailand.  I did not have to get insurance, even though I applied out of the country
  2. When I arrived in Thailand I immediately went to the local immigration office and applied for a reentry permit so that I could use my same visa on the next trip
  3. The officer at the immigration office typed up a letter authorizing a bank account for me
  4. I went to a small office in the mall for Bangkok Bank, but they looked at me like a deer in the headlights
  5. I went to the main branch and they were much more educated about the process
  6. It cost about ฿6000 to get an account open. That was an initial ฿500 deposit and another 400 for an ATM card.
  7. As others have stated, the bank requires you to get an insurance policy for one year. It's somewhat of a life insurance policy and totally ridiculous to require it. My GF can be quite the tiger and even she could not get them to eliminate it.  I decided to just suck it up and pay for it because things were going pretty smoothly
  8. It took about an hour or perhaps a little more to get everything done, but I walked out with my passbook, ATM card, and a valid bank account that I can go back to immigration now in 60 days

I cannot over emphasize the need to bring a Thai speaking person that can translate for you.  You might get it done, but the bank employee will be frustrated and you will be ready to pull your hair out. Again, I can't over-emphasize this.  You might get it done, but you won't understand the small details. 

If it wasn't for my GF, I don't think I could've managed at the bank or the immigration office.

I used my GF address and phone number for now

YMMV  but despite a bit of frustration, it turned out to be easier than I thought it was going to be 

When I get home, I'll transfer the appropriate money over, and when I return, the 60 days will be met and it should be smooth sailing from there

Good luck to all of you dealing with this. It's a frustrating experience for sure because every office of every agency has a different set of rules

@Paul_Adams the insurance is not mandatory, they always try and push people to buy it. as for the bank account opening, the bank staff were great and english was good, did it by myself, no problems

@gatorman320  Several told me the same thing.  However, how long do you argue with them?  We spent 15 minutes and again, my GF can be pretty persuasive

The bank and immigration office were both in Trat.  Not an abundance of expats here so perhaps why english was poor


But I have some remarks:

" I was able to obtain a non-O, 90 day visa through the Washington DC embassy.  I was shocked that they issued that to me without being in Thailand."

Why shocked? That's how most people do it, judging by this forum. I also wrote a few months ago that insurance is no longer needed.

I'm shocked that you managed to get a bank account without having an address in Thailand - or did you leave that part out?

I disagree about needing a Thai-speaking person. I don't speak any Thai and I was fine. Nobody mentioned anything about insurance. You had a Thai speaker with you and yet you still had an unnecessary expense!

"It cost about ฿6000 to get an account open. That was an initial ฿500 deposit and another 400 for an ATM card."

I don't remember it costing me anything to open a bank account. The deposit isn't an expense.

I didn't realize you could leave Thailand during the 90-day original visa period, when building up the 60 days of 800K Baht in the bank. That's interesting.

Again, congratulations!

I was shocked because they did not require the insurance. Everything said you had to be in Thailand to get a non O visa without health insurance.  There was so much different information that I called the Washington DC Thai Embassy. They told me I needed insurance. I applied online anyway, and they never required it.  Welcome to Thailand. lol

Everyone has a different experience about the language/ location. So for everyone's benefit, if you go to the Trat office, I suggest you bring an interpreter or be lost!  Same with Bangkok Bank in Trat 

I don't know how else to word regarding the money. To walk out of the bank with an account it required ฿6000.  Remove ”cost” if that helps.  Regarding the $500 deposit, I could have walked out the door and gone right to the ATM machine and withdrew it if I wanted so that wasn't a big deal. The insurance is certainly a scam. But the GF did everything but pull out the samurai sword. At one point, the lady said we could leave if we didn't like it.   She knew there was no other branch around to do it.  Still much cheaper than having an agent do it.

The 90 day visa/60 day deposit part was a bit of creative planning on my part. When I arrived in Thailand with my 90 day non O in hand, I immediately went to the Trat immigration office to get the letter required to open a bank account.  Once in hand, I applied  for a reentry and paid the fees and went to the bank.   Again, bring someone that can speak Thai if you're doing any of this in Trat

When I return in May, the 60 days will be met and  will return to the immigration office to complete the one year.  Immigration already took a quick look at the remaining housing paperwork. All in order so I should be good to go. 

Used GF address for everything

good luck to all who struggle with all of this but it feels good when done lol

Why not use the services of Key Visa in Pattaya? You can Google them and it will definitely be significantly cheaper and a great deal less hassle than the route you are taking now. I have used them for several years now and there is absolutely no stress involved.

NO need to waste money on an agent

Anyone with half a brain can do it themselves; IF you meet the criteria in income or savings

If not than your only possibility is an agent

If you don't mind tieing up Baht 800,000 then yes, do it yourself but if you read the original posters post he was spending a great deal of unnecessary money. I was trying to help him to spend/waste less.

Your comment about half a brain was both unnecessary and insulting.

@ThaiTim yes and mostly BS


I was trying to say that it is easy enough to do it yourself... not to insult people

@Arild  Huitfeldt

Explain the BS so we all can learn....


I went through it & immigration put 2 many road blocks at getting it & also with marriage Visa as by u not getting either or both they make $ from kick backs when u have 2 get a visa shop or immigration themselves 2 put money in your bank 2 get the visas..I know as tried & now pay 2 get Visa every 12 months for past 10yrs & immigration do it 4 you also.....

@Arild  Huitfeldt

Difficult to read with all the numbers in there, but I never at 4 different immigration offices had any issue with a) getting the visa I needed which was retirement, work or marriage b) never had any kickback requests c) never any issues raised by immigration apart from my last change over from IEAT Non O  (Industrial Estate) to Non O at immigration office in my new hometown of Cha am. Immi Cha am had some struggles to understand the specifics of the IEAT Non O, so I had to bring

extra documents such as resignation confirmation from company and IEAT, and info on my parents as well as the wife her parents. All of which I obviously had as well. I was allowed to send a copy through my email on phone to immigration office email, they printed, I signed.

Took longer than expected, almost 3 hours but at the end it was done....with smiles.

They sent the file to Bangkok, came to check at our home address and after 3 weeks the OK came, as expected as I fulfilled all requirements (for the past 25  years)

Again I have to say I always had the cash or income needed and had the bank account and address as well.

An agent is an additional money sucking factor that could created issues if one ever gets tired of them or when one wants to try and do it themselves.

Even simple reports like 49 and 30 can be an issue if the agent goes out of town for the visa.

It seems you live in Korat and your agent in Pattaya.... curious how they get that done in Korat

I think it fair to say you are a gifted individual. We bow to your superior knowledge but that is not what the post was about.

It is negative "I know everything" type posts that frightens newcomers to the country away .

Any one with half a brain would show options that are available and not just demonstrate how superior they are to others


have you done the online 90 day check in ? ifso was it easy? I read tge website does not always work 


I understand you are getting a little bit nasty and upset as you are paying to much for a free service

And blaming people that do it the correct and free way as 'frightening newcomers' is just as ridiculous as

paying for a free service...

Anyway I think the 'others' are more in quantity then the 'yours'


The first extension can normally not be done with the online notification

After that it is a breeze

I have changed address 3 times over the past 2 years and never encountered an issue.

Just to be sure you have the correct link google tm47 online, same for tm30

Always do this as the sites are frequently updated without proper notification


It seems you live in Korat and your agent in Pattaya.... curious how they get that done in Korat

You also did not reply on this query as it is interesting to understand how it works for the people

that are frightened in this blog and how they should get it done without any hassle.....


i went for my first checkin and things webt smoothly  only issue was Bolt gave the taxi driver rhe wrong location  concerns me thst such a huge facility with so many users would have that Issue  I was lucky the driver was honest  He did not seem familiar with the location  this was my second time having this issue

When you login does the site default to the ladt data entered or is the form blank?


You will have to fill in the address again, even if you did not move address in the past 90 days

From what I have read, most issues with online registration come from people that because of their location used Chaeng Wattana as immigration office

For some reason, could be the qty of applicants, the online registration does not work all the time

Buddy of mine lives in Bangkok for over 15 years was never able to get it done

Have to say he was not a wizard on the IT front....1f600.svg

I'd quite like to read more constructive replies to this important subject, rather than seeing people bicker with each other.

No offense, but, I'm a newbie on this site, and there is a lot of resentment going on.

Please stop this, and just try to help us (like myself) who need good, constructive advice.

Many thanks in advance



Well we are waiting for your question..

On forum, sites and blogs there are always trolls, if you  are sensitive to that it will be an issue


not sensitive, just looking for constructive opinions based on experience.

As previously stated, I'm a newbie, and as such, am looking for good pointers, and good advice, not infighting......

Once I've gathered all the information I can here, then I will ask any questions relevant to my own situation.

So far, good advice, but too many trolls did you say?? Why?? Who knows?? but I just want to gather for now.

Thank you for your comment though.....


Check the first post on this thread, that guy had it done by the books.

He is a US citizen so things could be a little different to harder for you

There is a personal message possibility where you can contact him and ask for advise

Once again, if meet the requirements; age,  cash or income and later on bank account and address there is nothing to worry about

EVERY immi office has English speaking staff, but if you walk in with a Thai person, it will all go in Thai

All documents are bilingual and every immi office has slightly different rules, just go there an pick them up

Always follow the immigration officer, don't show your knowledge, public officials are the same everywhere and they know it better.....!!!

Thats good advice martinioo whatever country you are trying to get into


i had the same issue with people giving  conflicting information or bickering or even being abusive. i think they see people asking same questions over and over again and getting frustrated. Each country has different requirements in Thailand. i am from the usa living in thailand on a one year retirement visa. came on 90 day retirement because i was waiting on paperwork from FBI which i was afraid would not arrive on time  Got 1 year here with only 800 k bank account for 2 months not 3. Agent can fund your anccount for a little extra charge. Strange because there are written regulations concerning the funding of the a bank account. Each agent has different connections so requirements depend on agent. i paid around 25000 baht for process plus extra for multi entry. Some include quarterly check in with price. Some charge extra.  Depending on where you live you may have to pay a larger sum of money for transportation to immigration. A taxi cost  me 500 baht round trip to immigration. I could use BTS but You cannot leave as early. You can get in queue before immigration opens at 8:30?  have cognitive issues so i needed help. It's a chaotic environment at immigration.  The immigration people are helpful.  Using agent i did not have to wait in queue.  i have to check in quarterly. First time in person. Next time i hope to use online approach.  I have heard the website does not always function properly. I worry about medical coverage. My 90 day in USA required it. The one year here did not.  Some people take a chance to live without it. i have it but have not used it so I cannot guarantee it works. Many people can not get insurance after 70 years old. i have medicaire but cannot use it here.  Ordinary checkups or basic care is not expensive. 

i had the same issue with people giving  conflicting information or bickering or even being abusive. i think they see people asking same questions over and over again and getting frustrated. Each country has different requirements in Thailand. i am from the usa living in thailand on a one year retirement visa. came on 90 day retirement because i was waiting on paperwork from FBI which i was afraid would not arrive on time  Got 1 year here with only 800 k bank account for 2 months not 3. Agent can fund your anccount for a little extra charge. Strange because there are written regulations concerning the funding of the a bank account. Each agent has different connections so requirements depend on agent. i paid around 25000 baht for process plus extra for multi entry. Some include quarterly check in with price. Some charge extra.  Depending on where you live you may have to pay a larger sum of money for transportation to immigration. A taxi cost  me 500 baht round trip to immigration. I could use BTS but You cannot leave as early. You can get in queue before immigration opens at 8:30?  have cognitive issues so i needed help. It's a chaotic environment at immigration.  The immigration people are helpful.  Using agent i did not have to wait in queue.  i have to check in quarterly. First time in person. Next time i hope to use online approach.  I have heard the website does not always function properly. I worry about medical coverage. My 90 day in USA required it. The one year here did not.  Some people take a chance to live without it. i have it but have not used it so I cannot guarantee it works. Many people can not get insurance after 70 years old. i have medicaire but cannot use it here.  Ordinary checkups or basic care is not expensive. 


If you look well you wrote also conflicting informations:

1) You came on a 90 days NON-IMM O visa and on this you got the 1 year retirement stay permit, that's the correct names.

2) yes 2 month 800k must stay effective but you get 3 month to have time after arrival to find a bank provide documents and open account then put or transfer the money that takes time and have few days after the completion of money stay to go immigration before the 3 month expire.

3) yes written regulation for us but agents have other written regulations and they can garanty the 800k in other ways on their responsibility.

4) if you search more can find agents for 16k or 18k

5) you don't need to be at immigration before 8:30 to get queue nr. cause tickets will be given at least untill 15:00 and will stay until they finish you even if the immigration close, the ticket garanty to be completed in that same day over closing time.

So you can go by BTS to Wat Sri.... and then short taxi, arrive there any time before break time at 12:00 and get your queue ticket.

6) You can get appointment on line for the day and time without queuing.

7) the website for 90 days address report is new and works well now.

8) if you have cognitive issues and need help yourself how can you then help suggesting others...?? Better avoid to say it....

9) if you search more you will find insurers that covers people untill 100 yesrs age, look better.

10) you consider it chaotic environment but others consider it just full of people and still very well organized, talking about Bangkok's Chaeng Wattaná.

11) Private hospitals can be expensive, even for basic check ups cause they push you then to do a lot of useless extras being for them a business not a care for people, to be cheap must use Public Governament hospitals.

@ronstaffwhat u say is basically true but I've never heard of being charged 25,000bht to put money in 2 get 1 year O visa..way over the top.

I pay 14,500bht each year 2 get my 1 year O Reirement visa with visa shop on Darkside...

So don't pay that amount ever again..

Contact me of u want Jimmy my visa agent phone number.

Have a great day

Ok  does he have a line account? i only have a data phone  My line id is texaslovesthailand

@ronstaff  he's in Pattaya darkside.




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HE is also a Law Office & only guy I trust .

Say hello from me..

He is great so all the best.

I'm in Australia at present with Stage 4 Cancer hope back for 1 month end of August.

Moderated by Bhavna 5 months ago
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@Arild  Huitfeldt

i was unable to search with the phone number on line. i emailed him.   i am so sorry about the cancer.

Thanks for that update guys very useful, stay well and get better, health is everything at our age and everything else pales by significance

@Arild  Huitfeldt

no luck using phone number for Line. i emailed him and have not heard anything back. Do you know his line ID name?

    @ronstaffwhat u say is basically true but I've never heard of being charged 25,000bht to put money in 2 get 1 year O visa..way over the top.
I pay 14,500bht each year 2 get my 1 year O Reirement visa with visa shop on Darkside...
So don't pay that amount ever again..
Contact me of u want Jimmy my visa agent phone number.
Have a great day

    -@Arild  Huitfeldt

Paying 14,500 is also way over the top. Just do it yourself. It's free.


Tried to contact Jimmy.  No response from his email. What is the darkside?

Thank you

@Arild  Huitfeldt

hope you are feeling ok. i finally heard from your agent. They do not handle Bangkok visas:(


Basically because they do not have the contacts there to support their illegal advise and services

Think about it......