
Thai Work Visa - dependent able to work

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Hi all,

I am an English teacher (British National) currently applying for jobs in Bangkok. I am married to an Italian citizen and I wanted to ask what the VISA rules are for her. If I applied for a job and received an offer of work, I presume she would be allowed to the neter the country and live with me as a dependent?

Does this mean she can also look and apply for work on a dependent VISA or not?? If not, how easy is it for her to change her VISA in-country?

Thanks for your help,

Daniel Jarrett


[Moderated: please post in classifieds]


Hi Daniel:
Once you have your VISA and work permit, then your wife will also entitle to enter Thailand as spouse.

Yes, your wife and look for job in Thailand. Once she gets a job the company will arrange to apply for work permit for her. Her work permit will rely on VISA that she has.

I hope this helps.
Best Regards,


Hi Vutaya

This is the same question I couldn't seem to find the answer for so thanks! I'll be a qualified teacher (BA and all) in a year so I'm good to go but my boyfriend doesn't have a BA. He wants to study for it though while we're in Thailand, and hopefully work too. Would it be better if we were married? Does common-law count with Thai visa's? (sorry for hijacking your post dghjarrett)  :)


Hi melis82:
Sorry may I ask where are you from? So I have a colleague who is from England, they are not married, but they have been together very long time and the British government recognized them as spouse (with official papers of course.) So, his gf has entitled as 'dependent' status to him. So no need to marry as long as you have official papers confirming that you are legally together.

I hope this helps.



Sorry Vutaya, I'm from South Africa. Here if you have been living together for more than six months you are technically common-law married. In community of property or something to that effect. So it shouldn't be a problem then? I'm so excited, one more year of studying to survive! :)


Melissa , i take it ... South African law does not apply in Thailand .The law here is extremely diverse. The only way you can understand the Thai law is if you go and talk to a Thai lawyer , who speaks english. A cop won't even be able to recite up 10% of the legislation in Thailand , he'll be making up 90% of it by pulling it out of his .. I've been living here for 3 and a half years. I have my BA in education i graduated from Stellenbosch University in 2006 and 5 years of teaching experience in China and Thailand. If you were in China, then you would have had your work permit by now. So , I wouldn't count on that. Sorry for bursting your bubble. By the way , nice knowing you.

I suggest you live without having a work permit. In the end a work permit is gonna eat a hole in your pocket. 24% of your salary every month goes to tax, and then you have to make another annual tax payment. Not just that , have to pay a few extra to extend your visa by checking in every 3 months at immigration.
At schools they will tell you , yes , your work permit is in the process, in fact it's just another gimmick to keep you there.

The schools in Thailand have so many issues with farang coming and going all the time , that they will just about do anything and say anything to keep you working there, but never confront them about your work permit, or they will replace you.Do your job , get paid and that's about it.

If you are working at a International School or University , well , then that's a different case.
Right now , there are so many things you need to be able to get the work permit.
I think it's better to get a student visa , which most foreigners are doing right now and just keep working. The cops are not gonna disturb you anyways.This is Thailand , they couldn't care less.
I live with the Thai Ministry of Defense. I kind of know what I'm talking about.

Any questions , feel free to ask. :D


om dit simpel te maak..
moenie die kak lees op die internet nie.

het jy geweet dat as "farang" trou in Thailand , dit net mooi niks beteken vir ons mense by die huis nie.
Want die papiere is net so goed soos vervals as jy by die huis kom.
Jy moet bewyse he dat julle getroud was in SA en nogsteeds is.
Die 6 maande common-law marriage geld net as Thai's trou met Foreigners. Wat basies gebeur is , is dat die thai vrou trou met 'n farang, en hy verdwyn of eindig op dood, dat vat sy als.
Maar selfs as hulle hier trou , dan beteken dit niks as jy huistoe gaan en vir hulle wys , kyk ons het getrou in Thailand. Hulle sal vir jou lag en se fok , trou maar weer.

Even our Embassy couldn't advice me on anything about Thai law. They told me straight , david, figure it out yourself,
but remember, don't push them to hard , because there is more freedom here than any other country in the world.
I just paid my overstay to my visa. I overstayed 1 year and 10 months. They should have locked me up ...instead they let me back in.. and gave me another 6 month visa..
i overstayed in China for 1 year and I was detained for 31 days.
Any other country would probably have locked you up ....but this is Thailand .. the land of the free.

I know a girl from durban, she's been here as long as I have. She knows her way around. great person, very young , but very smart.
maybe she can help you..


Hi David :)

Thanks for the info I've been trying to find a South African over there! I think I need all the help I can get. Can I PM you?


Hi all,

My bf and I planed to get engage this year. We've been in a long distance relationship for years where he worked in Cambodia before, and Thailand for 6 months now while I work in Vietnam.
My question is if we got engaged, and he sponsor me to get a spouse visa, can I work with that spouse visa?
I work for Accor at the moment, and the position that I would apply for Accor property in Thailand only open for National under local employment status (or Foreigner already entitled to be recruited).

Many thanks.

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