Private healthcare

Hi, im planning to relocate to Mauritius on a premium visa autumn 2025 for a year to begin with. As i understand you have to have a private healthcare insurance when you apply for the visa & cant wait until youre in Mauritius, even though you have access to free public healthcare on a premium visa. Is that correct? Which healthcare insurance would you recommend & what would be a rough estimation about cost? I understand they differ due to coverage & your health condition. Im 58 years old & have a normal healrh condition,  despite some disabilities due to a stroke that happened long ago. No real health issues besides some disabilities (paralyzed arm, bad balance & a little weaker in my left leg).  I know i can find all this on the Internet,  but when i read the different sites, they all seem good & when i ask for a quote i get very much calls, which would be ok if it were closer in time. Id like to know a rough estimation right now, so i have better control of my future budget. Ofc ill get sharp quotes when its closer in time. Any recommendations & roughestimations would be much appreciated. Best wishes
