Your question is one that there is not a short answer to regarding what is required to move over. If you look thru the forum you will see topics discussed on the move process, visa, residence, Taxation etc. Pls bear in mind things do change all the time so treat these as information only and then drill into the facts.
It is a long drawn out process as things move slowly here. Took me 14 month to get immigration done (while living here) and 16 months to get the vehicles registered. I could still use them on temp import permit. Vehicle insurance is high here by the way. You will need to be able to accept the slow responses if at all from professionals :-/ You need to research the financial visa requirements if you or your partner or parents do not have EU passports. I spent 2 years getting ready for the move and I am sure some might be quicker but there is a lot to do.
I made a list of tasks and went thru ticking them off over the time. If you need specifics on any tasks pls feel free to ask here as there is a wealth of experience albeit not in the professional category. You will need to engage professionals (budget a few grand) and there are recommendations on the forum. I would recommend you come over for a few weeks once you have your ducks in a row and visit places you might live and get a feel for the various locations. I presume you have holidayed here before so have some idea. When you are aware of the various visa routes you can take you will be able to make more plans. I would recommend renting first as buying means you will be stuck for a while as selling is not quick. Be focused and get the homework done. Once here you probably will not look back :-)
I live in Tala a small village which is 20 mins from Paphos harbor and 30 mins from the airport. You might also think about the east side rather than west if that suits better. There are plenty of traditional villages to look at. Other member will have more knowledge than me as i am a newbie lol You might need extra space as you will probably find plenty of friends and relatives want to 'POP' over and stay with you lol Or just go for 1 bed and tell them there is no room! A pool is good to cool of in the summer but does add to the cost.
I work for the same UK company now remotely. The internet connection I have is 100Mb fiber. 19.95 eur per month and mobile sim card for 6.99 eur per month. Keep the UK sim and make sure you have good roaming deal as you will need it over here for banking if you keep the UK bank or Building Soc. Fast cheap internet is not available everywhere but there are good locations so check before committing if you need to rely on internet. TV and children need good internet along with work requirements. Living costs I think are comparable with the UK. I hope none of this puts you off as it is a fabulous place to live with much more to offer than the UK with sun sea and wine. Low personal and business tax as well. What's not to love? I hope that has given you some things to go on. Best wishes for your new adventure.