Getting >18+ years child with Blue Card visa holder to Germany/EU?

As I understand, the children can be relocated along with parents from Non-EU until the age of 18 years. However, if we support the child who more than 18 years financially for the education in Germany. Can we still get them on dependent visa or do they have to apply exclusively for student visa??

A dependent visa for over 18-year-olds is only possible if they are physically unable to be independent - e.g. due zo a disability/handicap.

The child is not disabled. However, the child is living with family and have no intention to live separately for his education and social bonding. Can't we bring him along when we submit Blue Card / National D visa application at German mission abroad (i.e., from India)

Sorry, but you can only bring dependents on a dependent visa (FRV).

    The child is not disabled. However, the child is living with family and have no intention to live separately for his education and social bonding. Can't we bring him along when we submit Blue Card / National D visa application at German mission abroad (i.e., from India)


Nope, not how it works. Once 18, one is an adult not a child. They will no longer be able to be included on a family reunion visa. Wheerht they plan to work or study or live at home is irrelavent.

    As I understand, the children can be relocated along with parents from Non-EU until the age of 18 years. However, if we support the child who more than 18 years financially for the education in Germany. Can we still get them on dependent visa or do they have to apply exclusively for student visa??


Not possible on a Family Reunion visa. You are rationalizing something that  is simply not how the rules are made. Theoretically for  a study visa but then they need to qualify and get accepted to a university program or possibly an Ausbilding (vocational training). And one has to have strong German for either one. For most bachelors one needs C1 level German and for an Ausbildung usually B2 or at least B1.

Family reunion visa are for dependent minor children and a spouse only.  Adult kids, one's parents, cousins, aunts, uncles, nephews, nieces, grandparents.... not allowed except is exceptional cases of extreme hardship. It might be standard in other countries that more extended family relationships are included but not in Germany or most of Europe.


Thanks Tom. In fact, Family reunion visa can make things more challenging to bring dependents. the idea is, to apply all visa applications once from the German consulate in India Including 18 years child's providing financial proofs, living proofs for his further life in Germany. even this is also not possible, isn't it!!

@skumard I think we are turning in circles here. Again, in clear words:

Your son is an adult and has to legally fend for himself - this includes visa and immigration matters.

If he (on his own merits) fulfills the requirements for any kind of German visa, he himself can apply for it. But you cannot apply for him!

    @TominStuttgartThanks Tom. In fact, Family reunion visa can make things more challenging to bring dependents. the idea is, to apply all visa applications once from the German consulate in India Including 18 years child's providing financial proofs, living proofs for his further life in Germany. even this is also not possible, isn't it!!        -@skumard

Not just challenging, simply not possible. Again, a child over 18 is an adult and NOT a LEGAL dependent, even if they would live with you and need your support. They will have to immigrate on their own merits, not on a FRV.