Importing a kayak/canoe or similar when moving to Brazil?

I am told that even a small leisure/sports boat isn't a household/personal item and is treated differently.  Does anyone have experience, or an import agent contact, to share that might help me navigate this?

06/12/24 @Sculler.  That is certainly true of any motorized vehicle.  A mover who has experience with moving people to Brazil should be able to give you a good answer on a kayak or canoe.  Brazil experience, not just general international experience, is a must.

My shipping container contained a kayak when I moved to Brasil almost 25 years ago. Although the customs experience was hellish and the idiot in charge at the port of entry did his best to make my life miserable (no doubt trying to solicit a bribe), he didn't seem the least bit concerned about the kayak. It was on the shipping/import list and drew zero scrutiny.

    I am told that even a small leisure/sports boat isn't a household/personal item and is treated differently.  Does anyone have experience, or an import agent contact, to share that might help me navigate this?


You can buy Kayaks and canoes out here.  You won't find, otherwise, those rowing skeets for rowing contests.

You are correct. A leisure/sports boat, even a small one, is generally not considered a household or personal item and is therefore treated differently in Brazil imports rules. The regulations and taxes can vary significantly depending on the destination country.

To help navigate this process, I recommend getting in touch with an experienced import agent in Br.

A nicely fitted two positions rowing kayak with the lifesaver vest  will fetch R$ 3,500  ( USD $650 )  at retail.   give it or take it.   Maybe not top of the line.

A top of the line, probably around R$ 5,800. ( under USD $1,100 ).

The bottom of the line, entry level, R$ 1,500 ( 280 bucks ). 

Why in heavens you care about bringing a Kayak  from abroad, and risk paying more in custom taxes than it takes to get one here ?

You must be an American, aren't you ?

Godamnit, you greenhorns never cease to amuse me. 
