Can get citizenship in one year by stable union with girlfriend

Can get citizenship in one year by stable union with girlfriend same as marrying a Brazilian lady, as i have gf in brazil and i am from Pakistan and planning to be there to meet her and stay with her for rest of my life, but for now i am already married in Pakistan, so is it possible to stay with my gf in brazil as her bf without marrying her as stable union?

You don't get citizenship in a year. You only qualify to apply for permanent residency after one year. It is not guaranteed either.

WoW, well @Gasparzinho 777 is correct, The lawyers for me and my Brazilian wife have been working on the Permanent Residency Visa by Spouse since May. I am not sure if it is normal to take this long (It's almost October as I write this), but I definitly believe it will take you some time.

Of course whatever you do will require some documentation. If you are, as you say, married in Pakistan (which it sounds like to someone other than your Brazilian girlfriend) and for your Brazilin girlfriend, you only have a desire to "stay with her for the rest of my life" you may have some issues to deal with.

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09/26/23    Can get citizenship in one year by stable union with girlfriend same as marrying a Brazilian lady, as i have gf in brazil and i am from Pakistan and planning to be there to meet her and stay with her for rest of my life, but for now i am already married in Pakistan, so is it possible to stay with my gf in brazil as her bf without marrying her as stable union?     


Good evening.  No you can't,  based on the facts as you've laid them out.  You don't qualify for a stable union in Brazil because you're married.  To enter into a legal stable union that qualifies for residency here, both parties have to be single.  If either party has been married, that party has to provide proof that the marriage was legally terminated before anything else can happen. 

In addition, the only way for someone in Brazil on a Visitor Visa to establish a stable union with a Brazilian that the Federal Police will accept is to set it up, officially and legally, at a Notary Office, a Cartório.  A foreigner cannot stay in Brazil long enough legally on a Visitor Visa to qualify informally by living together.  No cartório will legalize a stable union for a person still legally married to someone else.

Even if you were in Brazil legally and were able to establish either a legal marriage or a legal stable union, you could not apply for citizenship until you had lived in Brazil for at least ONE FULL YEAR.  You would then need to provide updated versions of all the documents that were originally required to obtain residency, and to satisfy the requirement to speak, understand, read, and write Portuguese.  Only after providing all that would your application be accepted, and then you would wait six to twelve months for the Federal Police to act on it.

The best thing to do is to get hold of an attorney to help you with paperwork, but you better get divorced first!

The only thing l can add is to say that you must be 100% truthful when submitting any documentation to the Brazilian Consulate. lf they find even a small “inaccuracy” it will be rejected, and your chance of ever getting approved will be about zero.