Looking for some guidance on the elective residency (retirement) visa

I'm assembling the documentation for the Italian elective residency (retirement) visa. I would appreciate any tips on making sure I fill out all the requirements for the Philadelphia office correctly. I'm doing this myself due to limited funds.



It's not as onerous as you might think. assemble everything on the list, make sure you have 5 copies of everything, and bind them all separately, in some kind of logical order. For your Visa application, you may find that all your hard work was unnecessary.  The consulate doesn't require much of what is listed, however, once you get to Italy and have get your Permisso (if that is your intention?) you will need it all then. As for doing it your self, don't be discouraged, we used an attorney the first time, and it was not needed, they offer nothing but a paperwork check, they have no leverage. As to what is required, more is better! Financials (make sure they are as recent as possible) medical insurance seem to be the two they are most focussed on. Happy to answer any other questions you may have if there is something specific you are struggling with.

@8bucksagallon Thanks much for the encouragement. I think I understand most of the requirements after reading through various lists. I may reach out if I run into anything else that appears to be a roadblock. I appreciate your input.