MM2H program I want to get some information

Hello there, 👋 I would like to ask some information regarding malaysia 2nd home program, from  whom already went through the process successfully and living in malaysia with the program, if any one feel to give me information please inbox me,  😊 your help much appreciated 👏


Hello dear, I think you should

Check online forums or communities focused on MM2H.

Search for "MM2H participant experiences".

Tip: Avoid relying solely on private messages. Public forums offer wider perspectives and verifications.

Hello thanks for your respond.  It's helpful.

I went through the MM2H process but that was back in 2008. I enjoyed it while I still lived in Malaysia, especially buying a new tax-free car. I quit the program in 2015 when I decided to move to Indonesia. If you have questions then why not just ask here and let those who have the MM2H answer your queries.