Bougas School, Kalamata

Hi guys!

We are from France and looking at moving to Greece around summer 2025.

We are interested in Bougas School in Kalamata for our children of 6 and 9 now. Do you know the prices at all?

I have tried contacting the school but no answer.

Thanks a million!


@elisavetamaurel hi! we are also looking at moving to Kalamata and was   interested in this school.

My husband is greek, i am from GRenoble. We are living in the US now and have 2 boys of 7 and 10 year old!

did you get more info about this school?


Hi! Nope, still no news but it's school holidays now so I guess we'll have an answer later in the summer.

When are you planning on moving to Greece?

i found some info on the FB Kalamata expat group : starting from 350/month per kid, additional cost for actiVities etc…

we are thinking in the next 2 years.

why did you choose Kalamata, where do you work?

@donav Thanks a lot! This gives us some idea as what to expect.

We are looking at Kalamata as we would like to have some peaceful place to live, preferable with some land, and a good school nearby of course. We looked at Athens (my parents live there) but schools are so expensive there and houses with land are hard to get, or they cost a lot.

My husband works in Geneva and I have my own energy healing business.

We live close to Annecy by the way, not far from Grenoble :)

ah yes very close to Grenoble!

do your kids speak greek?

i believe the school is mainly in greek with few english classes per week.

my husband is greek but my boys dont speak…neither do I…

If you have 2 kids, every school will give you an extra greek teacher - for free.

With one, you are on your own.

Your kids will not be noted the first 2 years from greek stuff...

@donav My kids dont speak any Greek and no English either but I am sure they will pick up quickly. Kids always do :)

I dont speak Greek either.....neither does my husband.......

Where do you work?

@night_Swimmer Thanks for the info :)

I am working for Volvo Trucks, we both have corporate jobs. now we need to find a remote job!

we were there in June and loved it.

did you look into private health insurance? or do you somehow « keep your jobs in france/switzerland » and there is no need to look at insuranec?

@donav I see. We havent looked into the insurance yet, to be honest we are still talking about moving, nothing concrete yet at this stage. The idea is to either have a remote job or grow our own businesses, the second one is better :)

Why are you keen on Kalamata?

We are off to Greece for holidays this Thursday :)

We found Kalamata clean and maintained, oceanfront, dynamique all year long, not too touristy, foreigner friendly, and not too big like Thessaloniki.

Also have direct flight to Lyon during high season which is great!

@donav Great! Sounds excellent. We never visited Kalamata, always stay around Athens when we are in Greece but think should be worth popping there sometime soon.

Well, lets be in touch here, its great talking to someone who shares your plans :)

yes definitely, lets exchange more!

enjoy greece, let me know what you think about Kalamata then!

@donav Hey! Just got back from Greece but unfirtunately didnt get a chance to visit Kalamata. But we love the country in general, I think these holidays were just to confirm to us that Greece is a great place for living!

We are now thinking of next steps re moving, but I still didn't get anything from the Bougas School.......

Hope you are well, looking forward to chatting soon :)

Hi! sorry just see this post now!

did you see their new website ?

i didnt know they had a French section !

i guess you will have more info now that school started again

Hi! Yes, saw the website, its great but they dont talk about their fees lol

Was thinking the same, the school only started now, so hoping to hear back from them soon.

Will be in touch!