Moving to perth

hi we moving to perth in early feb 2012, with r two wee boys. we r wondering which area would u suggest best for families. would love to hear from all those who have moved already.

Hi and welcome on board dmorrow!

Maybe you should tell a bit more about yourself and your family.
For example your criteria, what are the facilities you want to have nearby etc ?


hi sorry we would like an area with families and as we irish would like fellow irish in the area. near beaches, parks etc.

There are so many options on where to live.  You need to take into account where you are working in Perth. Will you be driving /taking train.  How much you can afford. The big decision for us was down to schools. You need to be in the catchment area for good public schools.

thanks i prob wonyt be working for a while so for us it will be depending on school. my eldest will be 4 in march. what type of nursery school would u recommend, are they catholic or public. thanks

Hi there,

Perth is huge.  Runs along the coast for miles/kilometres.  Would suggest that work would be the first defining point and housing close by.  Transport can be difficult at peak times, our two main arteries clogged !!  Our trains full !!  Come back with where you think you might work and I'll come back with some suggestions for you - Alan

hi alan we were thinking of north perth, ie junaloop. my husband is civil engineer and will be hoping to get work around city but will be driving towork. i heard that connolly or scarbouough sreas are good for families. what r ur suggestions thanks

When you say he is a civil engineer and driving to work - do you mean he could be working in different places from time to time?

Scarborough is old housing in an older suburb but right on probably one of the best beaches in Perth.  Limited shopping so to do those big shops you will need to drive.  Scarborough has bus service that gets to train line to go north or south.

North you will find Joondalup where I live.  Inner suburbs houses around 20 years old but as you move further north and inland the housing gets younger and more modern.  However the catch to that is again a lack of shops and also now a lack of public transport.

Are you looking to rent or buy?  What would be your budget for either? Are you both going to have cars to drive with?  Alan

Family of 4 also moving to perth Jan 2012. Kids aged 13 and 4. looking to rent close to CBD for work but SOR or NOR? Also tips on schools need one that has big interest in sport but in particular basketball or area where there is a baskteball club for 13 yr old girl. Any advice and tips much appreciated.

Hi, We are also hoping to move there in a similar timeframe to yourselves (depending on speed of visa processing.  The website gives info on each of the suburbs including housing costs, schools etc.  I suppose its difficult to guage these things until you are actually there.  Big move!

Hi All, I'm a Perth-ite born and bred, if you need any information, feel free to message me. Perth is a very spread out city, many good areas for families but depends on budget and where your work will be. In regards to schools, there are some of the best public schools in Australia here, but you have to live in the catchment areas of those schools to attend and some of those areas are the most expensive in the city. Two of the best public schools are Applecross High and Rossmoyne Senior Highschool. If you google them they both have websites that will give you information on the catchment areas for them. Anyway, any specific questions, just message me and i'll be happy to give advice. Regards - Kitcat78

Hi dmorrow,

I would suggest deciding on how close you want to be to the city, if you want to be on a trainline and whether you want to use public or private schools.
If you want to live in a modern house, often you have to live quite far from the city. More established areas often have pretty old housing, it can be a culture shock to see some very dated bathrooms and kitchens.
if your children are young you could look at living in a suburb out from the city but close to the coast, somewhere like Hillarys or Kallaroo, some affordable housing and close to shops etc, but if you want the train maybe somewhere like Stirling, Greenwood. Fremantle is a nice place with lots going on, areas like Melville seem to be popular or Coogee.
Hope that helps a bit
We used Carine high school and found it very good but rentals are expensive in the area, Karrinyup has newer housing and still in catchment for Carine school.
