Burial in Cuenca

If an elder person, expat, dies, for instance at their home or hospital, what are the procedures?

*** I thought this was a helping and informing group , not an Im gonna laught at you and make fun of you group   

@Manon Choiniere

Hello and welcome !

Sorry about that. It seems that there was a troll on this thread (account has been deleted).


The first step would be to contact the embassy I believe so that family members are informed.

I hope other members will soon share their insights.



@Bhavna       thanks


Thank you for your reply, the question comes up because my

daughter and I are moving back to Ecuador early next year...

she was born in Ecuador, and I lived there for 11 years.....I

came from Europe as emmigrant.....with my family and?

What would be the next step after the Embassy???? Thank you,
