UK female GP looking for GP opportunities in Saudi Arabia

Hi guys,

My wife became a full registered UK GP in 2013. She has been working in the UK as a GP locum. We  both have UK nationality and British passports and our ethnic origin is Pakistan. She is increasingly finding it very very difficult to find work as most of it is being given to nurses or PAs or Nurses and Pharmacists with prescribing diplomas.

This has got to the stage where she has sometimes gone weeks without any work. We have 2 young children and would be looking to move to Saudi Arabia based on her having a expat package of some sort. Admittedly as things in the UK have progressively got worse, we are probably a bit late to leave.

I would like to know some basic information and a roadmap  of how to achieve this. When I look on the internet there are companies who ask for a fee £3000 upfront and then £3000 once you get to the country. But we have also read stories about people getting scammed.

I am therefore asking for some help and possible contacts to start the process and how long would the whole process take from finding a job/applying for one and then  to working there, is it 3-6 months or weeks.

Thanks in advance.
