New in Latvia

Hi, my name is Jacoba, start living in Riga since April 2024. I travel and work the last 7 years abroad. I left Holland in 2018. More interest are music, blogs, swimming, nature lover, cooking and so more.

My name is Sir Kevin Parr .I came here after death of my wife in cancer to start all over again . Built house and 5 acres of English art and craft garden rooms and avenues . Spend my days in work i love inside my hedged tall world . Hope you like Latvia i do as it was the cheapest nation ever found . Today not so cheap as prices have risen to English prices in one of Europes lowest paid and poorest nations . Riga i go shopping to and dine in Gambey . Parking is becoming a problem as since look down more now own cars . I visit garden events in summer for a day off . Garden party time in my gardens on invite works well to meet people .I have a broad church on interests . History research . People study and food . I like cooking baking and brick oven roasts. Nature all around me i love as i live with farm land lakes and forest all around me.Nearest shop 3miles off and town 12 miles. Have to have a good car to handle both terain and deep snow of winter out here. Riga is an hours drive away . I would not wish to live there but like a day out every few weeks in city or over in Imanta where i have friends

@Naesby  Good story, thank you. Well, it seems you are integrated already, more than I am. I am here now in th 5th month. I enjoy it so far.

@Jacoba Romkes It takes time I know,to settle down . If you have a job here . I dont work i have incomes to live off . Gardens now mowed looks amazing rather more like England than Latvia . If you feel like a visit to see garden one says in this area of rural charm is a bus ride away taking one and half in one bus straight through to here from Riga . 70 kilometer from bus station to Liepupe school gates . Or driving 55 minutes in car . My feel with friends as being alone here i think a rather boring existence .I was lucky as lots of English here when i came in 2012 with no house car Rover on British plates got me here behind furniture vans but after 3 months car sat for 7 years unable legally to use . It was a steep sharp learning curve for an English lawyer to build own home. I have always had woodworking hobby but house build in what is a wooden barn was not what I had thought would be . Still have house in England though . Anyway back to hedge cutting today . Good luck with living here . Its not everyones choice as language is harder than any other to learn .Thank God most speak English as second language . I ave around 16 words i remember and over 50 i cant until hear in conversation . Latvians older then 45 seem unable to  learn can only speak Latvian or Russian I have traveled the world and can say English is every place you go so never bothered learning any ones language . In jungle of  Ghan i being in army duty aged 19 from University a tribal fellow appeared in front of us armed and patrolling .As from no where he was there. Said can you chaps tell me the score at Lords today. I nearly shot him . Radio he said had failed him and seeing two English army lads i though ,saved , as they will know about Cricket score. Never have i been so near as rifles at his face he feared not .My point being English being spoken by a tribal warrior so far from home amazed us both .God speed and love life