Retirement area

I am trying to move to Anda beach, Bohol or close to area and finding it hard to find long term rentals or leases House or Bongalo for 3-6 months.



hello and welcome !

Try to post an advert in the Housing in Philippines section to receive offers.

You can also read the Accommodation in the Philippines article in which you will find several links to real estate websites.

All the best



IF you are a veteran, try reaching out to SRRV[Special Resident's Retiree's Visa] program.

They may be able to assist. I am in the inital process of getting my papers together.

They have wonderful resources.

Happy travels.


Hi, I am from Boracay and here we have condos for short and long-term rental.

Expect 35k + utilities /month and up.

There is no need to get the SRRV visa. You can stay as a tourist for up to 3 years, but you need to extend your visa every 2 months. 

My wife is a Philippina.She is sure that now it is not worth to visit this country,because of political instability. Just share information.


Vadim you have been brought up in a country that excels in brainwashing and misinformation. You really ought to check your facts before posting. This is not Facebook 1f644.svg


I think the Philippines are politically stable. This should be no reason not to visit the Philippines. You can blame them that they are unorganized, corrupt and that the infrastructure is poor but I consider the Philippines as stable.