Just thought I'd share antics from this past week, from dog rescues in Burgas to Baba Marta in Yambol, and an unexpected street dog rescue in Plovdiv today!
What a week. For anyone currently in BG, happy Baba Marta. I hope you enjoyed your festivities or chill out weekend 🙏
My week began staying with friends in Burgas, exploring countless Roman ruins, a trip near sunny beach (I forgot the name neese?) And a heap of Bulgarian restaurants. My days can the Bulgarians do good food and service. Fantastic.
We went to a dog rescue, a friends dog was booked in to be spayed and of course the family returned with an dog they adopted. He settled in quickly, so good deeds done there.
We hit Yambol for festivities with dance and traditional music. What an Amazing experience, must've been a couple hundred thousand people there on Saturday!
Heading back through Plovdiv this afternoon to find a taxi to the hotel, happened upon a street dog. Poor thing was dehydrated walking sideways and seriously malnourished. Bought him water and a couple meat sandwiches and said a prayer... along the lines of "lord how on earth can I help this dog?"
He answered. People came from nowhere with dog food, sausages and more water for him. A kind gentleman stayed with me to help, then a lady stopped and promised to return in 30 minutes.
The dog was terrified of people but
understood we was trying to help. Some 2 hours later the lady (Nelly) returned. Fortunately she volunteers at a dog rescue and decided to immediately get him to the vets. She promised she would find help rehabilitate the dog and find a good home for him.
What an angel. Through it all, the kind older gentleman stayed the entire time. Some amazing people here in Bulgaria. Their kindness and generosity is something special.
I know there are tons of street dogs in BG and you can't help them all. Just thankful for 3 hours off plan, one dog was able to escape his trauma and NOT get run over in the heavy traffic.
Eventually I will share all this past months adventures on my YouTube channel (been trying to find time to upload my first video) got hour of footage to sift through and edit.
If it interests you YT - @blackdogbulgaria
And if you read this far, Thanks for your time reading. Would love to read any similar experiences you may have had, and how you celebrated Baba Marta.
Take care peeps - Sean 😀