Working and living in Malta

Could you PM the link please


Could you please to send me the same?
Thank you

on its way

Could I have the link too please :)

on its way

Hi George!!

Would you mind sending me the information as well? Many thanks


Would it be possible for me to have the info as well please?


I'm in the UK right now - perhaps someone who I've already sent the link to could message it to you

ok thanks

anyone willing to send me the information please?

Hi, and me too, please :)

done and done

Thanks a lot :D

Elena - I've also messaged you link for non-EU

Yeahh got it :D

Hi George... one more to the list.
Can you kindly send me the EU and Non-EU links? I would like to share the info with the "spanish speaking community" of expat-blog
Grazzi ħafna :P

on its way

Hey there! you can read more about where to find a job, agencies and work permits rates and basically everything that you have to know. It was very useful to me.
Good lucK!

Can I have the information as well please.

Thank you

Hello George,
Could you also send me this PM, Please?
Thank you very much,

on its way

Thank you very much again!!!

Hi George,

can I have the PM too please.

Thanks a million

Hi George,

Can I have a PM too please.

Thanks a million


I'd like that info too, please. Thanks.

Hi everyone, I would like to Teach English privately for the summer any ideas how can I reach the target audience???

Thanks in advance!

Hi justinas,

welcome to the forum.

What are your qualifications and who do you consider your target audience?

The English language sector is difficult at the moment and you do need to be certified to teach English in Malta , whether private or for a school.

Most language schools and students look for native English speakers.


Thank you for such a quick reply.  I am applying for TESOL soon, so maybe it will be easier to work in this field after getting the certificate?


you can easily take a TEFL degree here in Malta. Many schools offer courses. A CELTA degree would be even better. It won't be easy to find sudents but at least you will be teaching legally -)))

After getting a certificate you still have to register with the Ministry of Education to teach legally even to private students.

Conditions are getting more difficult for the language school industry but if you are a native speaker you should be ok. If you speak better English than Maltese teachers you will be ok too -)))


thanks again Ricky. if i get any  questions, ll let u know :D. have a nice day!

Hi georgeingozo, could I please have the link as well? Thank you in advance :)

on its way

Hello everyone!
Happy that I finally found you guys :) and I hope that you can help me also with some information:
I'm a Romania, I work as a Dentist (self-employed) in UK and I would like to move to Malta. I need some information about the papers needed to move there and to be able to work. I have nothing arranged at the moment - I just had this crazy idea of moving there :)
Any information highly appreciated.
PS: I think I will need georgeingozo 's list too. :)

georgeingozo wrote:

Hi Smiler - I've sent you a PM covering

1. An EU citizens legal rights - residency, working, students
2. what sort of residency is available ?
3. what do I need to apply for if I want to reside in Malta ?
4. do I need to apply for residency before coming to live in Malta ?
5. do I need an accountant to apply for residency ?
6. do I need health insurance ?
6.1 Do I qualify for public health cover, and if I do, what cover do I have ? Are prescriptions free ?
7. can I work in Malta ?
7.1 How much is income tax ?
7.2 How much are social security contributions ?
8. where do I apply for my residency permit ?
9. where can I get the OR application form ?
10. where do I apply for my ID card ?
11. what documents do I need to apply for OR ?
12. can I vote in Malta ?
13. buying a property FAQ
14. renting a property FAQ
15. Importing a vehicle FAQ
16. What's the procedure for importing/exporting a pet ?
17. Can I use my driving licence in Malta ?
18. Long term residency permit


Hello, I'm new here and I would like to receive that link from George, too, if possible, as my boyfriend and I would like to come and work in Malta.
Also, any information about work permits and how to obtain them, jobs in general, life in Malta, in general, would be helpful.


sent - are you EU citizens ?

We are from Romania, but my boyfriend is to obtain his Belgian citizenship in February-March 2013.

Thanks a lot!

Ah, you are Romanian

"In the case of Bulgarian or Romanian nationals, not all such nationals enjoy an automatic right to work in Malta, in view that Malta decided to apply transitional arrangements in respect of workers from these States. Bulgarian and Romanianworkers wishing to work in Malta are required to apply for an employment licence. Their application would have to be considered on its own merits and in the light of labour market requirements unless certain conditions of residence have been satisfied. Enquiries in this respect should also be
made with the Employment and Training Corporation (

thanks! so I guess it would be difficult for us to find something there?