The school Ive been hired to teach at is requiring me to get an official translated (into Arabic) copy of my university transcript. They told me there were places to get this done, but didnt mention anywhere specific. Has anyone else had to do this? And if so, where did you go and about how much did you pay?
Also, does anyone have any experience obtaining a work permit? I was told by the woman in the HR department, in broken English, that I would need a resident visa to get the work permit. But I was under the impression that I would need the work permit to get a resident visa. I only have a tourist visa right now, and I suspect the Mugamma isnt going to just give me a resident visa. The other foreign teachers there have Egyptian husbands, so they didnt have this problem. I suspect Ill just need to bring a translator with me to the HR department. But any insight would be greatly appreciated!
You need to contact the nearest Egyptian Consular office/embassy in the USA for this.
For information about US Embassy Notarial Services :
It says :
To authenticate U.S. originated documents/certificates for use in Egypt:
The document is submitted to an Egyptian Consulate or Embassy in the U.S. for authentication. These consulates or embassies are required to keep on file official signatures of individuals authorized to execute official documents in their consular districts in the United States. Upon returning the authenticated document to Egypt, it should be submitted to any of the Egyptian Ministry of Foreign Affairs authenticating offices, available all over Egypt.
The document is considered authenticated after the above is utilized.
A common misconception, even with local Egyptian officials here, is that the U. S. Embassy directly authenticates the seals and signatures of notary public or other officials in the United States. The U.S. Embassy can only certify the seals and signatures of the officials of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Egypt.
As for work permit, the sequence is work visa then work permit, not the other way around.
Or any other residence visa (like you mentioned, residence by marriage, by buying real estate ...etc.) ..... Just any non-touristic residence visa.
If you need my help, you can call me from the HR office and let me talk to the HR lady and see what she needs from you. and they need to apply for your visa and work permit. Don't just let them leave you out in the dark and expect you to do everything.